Storage 2020 International Potato Conference

When & Where

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Beschrijving van het evenement

Potato Council brings you a special one day conference dedicated to all aspects of potato storage.

The day will consist of presentations by international speakers with talks on the future for storage, consumer focus, the impact of food security, and developing agritechnology as well as a series of practically-focused workshops and demonstrations.

The Conference is Sponsored by Certis and supported by Omnivent.

Plenary papers include:

Food Security - why we need to storeRomke Wustman, PPO Lelystad, Netherlands.
Consumer Focus - delivering what the market will wantAndy Blackett, Tesco
Agritechnology - engineering solutions in storageTodd Forbush, Techmark Inc., USA
Storage 2020 - the way forwardPaul Coleman, Greenvale AP

Workshops to include:


Diseases and Pests

Bacterial Disease ManagementProf. Ian Toth, JHI
Zebra Chip: An Emerging Threat?Mike Storey, Potato Council
New Technology For Disease DetectionGlyn Harper, SBCSR
Storage SystemsStorage 2020: Optimising Store PerformanceAdrian Cunnington, SBCSR
Storage 2020: Energy EfficiencyJon Swain, FEC
Fungicide ApplicationDavid Turner, Turner Agriculture
Seed Management for StorageNon-Indigenous Bacterial ThreatsGerry Saddler, SASA
Safe Haven for Seed HealthRobert Burns, Potato Council
Breeding for StorageFinlay Dale, JHI
Sprout SuppressionCIPC: Best Practice for Residue ControlAdrian Briddon, SBCSR
Ethylene for ProcessingRichard Colgan, NRI
Innovation in Fresh Market Sprout SuppressionTjaart Hofman, Certis Europe
Supply Chain DynamicsA Grower Perspective of StorageDan Hewitt, Nelson County Potatoes
Processing Options for The FutureJohn Horrocks, Pepsico
Sustainability in The Fresh MarketJames Lee, Greenvale AP

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Storage 2020 International Potato Conference
  • Peterborough Arena
    East of England Showground
    Peterborough PE2 6HE
    Groot Brittannië


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