Potato Industry Leadership Institute 2016

Potato Industry Leadership Institute 2016
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The Potato Industry Leadership Institute (PILI) provides tools to help younger growers and industry members develop as leaders and motivate them to commit their time and energy to the betterment of the United States potato industry.

The Leadership Institute is an eight-day program that provides an overview of the U.S. potato industry, the challenges and issues beyond the production sector, and the roles of the industry's state and national organizations in maintaining a positive business climate for potato growers.

This Leadership Institute takes participants to a growing region to conduct in-depth discussions with upper management on key industry issues, and then concludes in Washington D.C. for an overview of public policy issues and lobbying training.

Institute graduates are one of the U.S. potato industry's greatest assets. Participants develop a broad understanding of the industry and a common bond that is envisioned to be a wellspring of leadership for the industry. Many important and complex decisions lie ahead for the industry. By creating this leadership base today, the industry is investing wisely in its future.

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