With the International sanctions on Iran lifted, huge investments in the Iranian food and beverage industry are expected – US$ 50 bn investments in the non-oil sector in 2016 alone. Hundreds of new hotels, thousands of new restaurants and an exploding business and tourist travel will have dramatic impact on the Iranian food and beverage industry.
Iran food + bev tec is Iran’s most valuable food and beverage technology and food packaging event since its inception in the year 1994. As Iranian imports of food, beverage and packaging technology have already increased by 84 percent to 267 million euros in 2014, this up-beat trend is expected to continue in the years to come.
This is why more than 450 exhibitors are expected to present their innovations at Iran’s 23rd Food, Beverage & Packaging Technology Trade Fair in 2016, compared to 370 exhibitors from 15 countries in 2015. The organisers expect an audience of 30,000+ professionals with real buying power to attend the event.
When & Where
Tehran International Permanent Fairgrounds
Tehran, District 1
Chamran Highway
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