Rungis wederom exclusieve leverancier ‘La Bonnotte de Noirmoutier’
In 2007 kreeg Rungis voor het eerst de vraag naar het La Bonnotte aardappeltje.
mei 04, 2011
Natkus, snack bajo en grasas y con un alto nivel de antioxidantes, es el nuevo sabor de papas amarillas peruanas
Natkus nace por la sorprendente acogida que tienen los productos peruanos tanto en nuestro país como en el extranjero. Unido con el creciente interés que existe entre los consumidores del mundo de probar nuevos sabores y presentaciones. Por esta razón...
mei 03, 2011
Potato Storage near Deesa, Gujarat destroyed by fire
Potatoes worth millions of rupees were gutted in a major fire in the Khedut Cold Storage (KCS), owned by the Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee.
mei 03, 2011
Begin tijdig met beregenen pootaardappelen
De eerste aardappelen komen op en het is erg droog. Dit betekent dat het aantal kiemen geringer kan zijn, er minder stolonen worden gevormd en minder knollen.
mei 03, 2011
Belgische aardappelen winnen terrein
Het aardappelverbruik blijft stabiel in België, dat meldt het marktonderzoekbureau GfK Panelservices Benelux, dat het thuisverbruik van aardappelen volgt bij 4.000 Belgische gezinnen in opdracht van VLAM.
mei 02, 2011
New semi-automatic stretch wrapper technology by LanTech keeps fork-truckdrivers in their seat
Lantech's Q-300XT stretch wrapping machine improves operator friendliness with a larger load-placement window for its automatic film cut-and-clamp system.
april 29, 2011
Potato Growers in Idaho and Oregon Vote to Continue Marketing Order
The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced that Irish potato growers in Idaho and Malheur County, Ore., voted to continue their federal marketing order program.
april 29, 2011
Herman Vermeer verlaat raad van beheer Agrico
Herman Vermeer is afgetreden als voorzitter van de raad van beheer van Agrico.
april 27, 2011
Inventure Foods Q1 F 2011 results
Inventure Foods, Inc. (Nasdaq: SNAK), a leading specialty food maker and marketer, reported record financial results for the first quarter ending March 26, 2011
april 27, 2011
NPPGA: demand for processing potatoes in North Dakota will be high this summer
The Columbia Basin, Idaho, and Wisconsin are all facing potential shortages, while North Dakota is sitting on more spuds than one year ago. The North American Potato Market News is reporting the Columbia Basin will run out by July 3rd if usage continu...
april 26, 2011
International Potato Center's work on (sweet) potato in Africa (Photo series)
The International Potato Center (CIP) operates a network of offices in 30 countries. Using this network, CIP.distributes (potato) plants to local farmers and adds new breeds to its library.
april 26, 2011
PinguinLutosa provides financial update of First Quarter 2011
For the 3 months to 31 March 2011, PinguinLutosa recorded consolidated sales of 118.6 million euro, which represents an increase of 4.48%.