
FAVV (Federaal Agentschap voor de veiligheid van de voedselketen)
juli 07, 2011

FAVV: Recall Spaanse Nicola aardappelen LIDL

Het Belgische Voedselagentschap (FAVV) beveelt het uit de markt nemen en van bij de consument terugroepen van Spaanse aardappelen NICOLA verkocht door LIDL. Deze aardappelen bevatten een te hoog gehalte aan fosthiazate dat gebruikt wordt om aardappela...
juli 07, 2011

Nederland heeft marktinformatie landbouw op orde

Nederland is goed geïnformeerd over de ontwikkelingen op de agrarische wereldmarkt. In de afgelopen decennia bouwde ons land een goed functionerend systeem op van landbouwmarkt- en prijsinformatie. Zo blijkt uit het rapport Marktinformatie voor landbo...
juli 07, 2011

Snack market survival demands innovation, says Intersnack UK Managing Director

The managing director of Intersnack UK says that a consumer “appetite for experimentation” is driving strong growth in a snacks market where the main business challenge is keeping pace with fast-changing consumer and retailer needs. Richard Robinson ...
 Genoma de la papa
juli 07, 2011

El hallazgo del código genético de la papa permitirá crear más variedades

Los investigadores, agrupados en el Consorcio de la secuenciación del genoma de la patata, han determinado que esta planta, el tercer alimento básico más importante tras el trigo y el arroz, tiene al menos 39.000 genes, casi el doble de los que posee e...
 Late blight (Phytophthora Infestans)
juli 07, 2011

Late blight in Columbia basin

In Washington, potato late blight has spread to four fields in block 1, just north of the Tri-Cities. Washington State University plant pathologist Dennis Johnson provided the latest control recommendations on the Late Blight Hotline.Johnson;“In this a...
 Amflora Starch Potato (genetically modified)
juli 07, 2011

BASF Said to Mull Genetically Modified Crop Exit in Germany

BASF SE (BAS), the world’s biggest chemical maker, may withdraw genetically modified crop research from Germany in response to growing political opposition, three people familiar with discussions said. The maker of the Amflora starch potato is consider...
juli 07, 2011

CKE Restaurants Announces Opening of First Two Hardee’s® Locations in Kazakhstan

CKE Restaurants, Inc., today announced the opening of two Hardee’s® restaurants in Almaty, Kazakhstan. This marks the first of at least 12 Hardee’s restaurants to be opened in Kazakhstan over the next five years. Hardee’s is the first major western qui...
juli 07, 2011

Accident prompts changes at Cavendish Farms

Cavendish Farms has made changes to its potato frying equipment after a worker was badly burned there a few weeks ago. The employee suffered second and third-degree burns after being doused in hot grease while draining the oil from the fryer. He was ...
juli 06, 2011

U.S., Mexico sign agreement to end trucking dispute

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes Dionisio Arturo Pèrez-Jàcome Friscione joined July 6 in Mexico City to sign agreements resolving the dispute over long-haul, cross-border trucking services between ...
 Canadian Horticultural Council
juli 06, 2011

Canadian potato industry responds to study depicting potatoes as unhealthy

The Canadian Potato Council (CPC) is challenging the conclusions of a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine on potatoes and potato consumption, which wrongly depicts potatoes as a hindrance to weight loss and maintaining a healt...
 NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers)
juli 06, 2011

NEPG: Potato acreage in North-western Europe increases 1.8%

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) has calculated that the consumption potato area in the 5 NEPG countries has grown slightly (1.8%) compared to 2010.
juli 06, 2011

New classification system for table potatoes in South Africa

Researchers in South Africa have completed a classification system for potatoes based on the textural attributes of the most popular varieties grown and consumed in that country.


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