
Chris Rippee appointed as new President of Triple/S Dynamics
september 15, 2015

Chris Rippee appointed as new President of Triple/S Dynamics

Equipment Manufacturer Triple/S Dynamics has announced the appointment of Chris Rippee as new President, succeeding Jeff Sullivan. Mr. Rippee has officially moved into the office September 14th.
AHDB Potatoes chair Fiona Fell
september 15, 2015

BP2015 online registration goes live...

This November over 6,000 growers, packers, processors, retailers, researchers, specialists, consultants, journalists, students and international visitors will head to the Harrogate International Centre, for the biennial potato industry event, BP2015.
Side Delights Gourmet Petite Potatoes
september 15, 2015

Small potatoes bigger than ever

Fresh Solution Network has expanded its line of Side Delights Gourmet Petite Potatoes line with two new offerings, Sweet Fingerlings and Choice Russets.
FAO Food Price Index for August saw sharpest drop since 2008
september 15, 2015

FAO Food Price Index for August saw sharpest drop since 2008

The FAO Food Price Index averaged 155.7 points in August 2015, down 8.5 points (5.2 percent) from July, the sharpest monthly drop since December 2008.
New French Fry vending machine developed in Wageningen
september 15, 2015

New French Fry vending machine developed in Wageningen

Dutch start-up Caenator, in collaboration with StartLife and Wageningen University & Research Centre, presented a new fully automatic french fry vending machine.
(Canadian) Ruffles "All Dressed" Chips available in the US for a limited time
september 15, 2015

(Canadian) Ruffles 'All Dressed' Chips available in the US for a limited time

Frito-Lay is bringing the Canadian favorite Ruffles 'All Dressed' Chips to the US for a limited time - and some funny videos to go with that.
Metal object found in mashed potatoes in Halifax restaurant
september 14, 2015

Metal object found in mashed potatoes in Halifax restaurant

The discovery of needles and nails in potatoes in a suspected case of food tampering earlier this year in Atlantic Canada have heightened the awareness of consumers and media alike. The latest case, reported by CBC Nova Scotia, is the finding of metal object in mashed potatoes in a Halifax restaurant.
R.D. Offutt scales back expansion plans in Minnesota
september 14, 2015

R.D. Offutt scales back expansion plans in Minnesota

Potato grower R.D. Offutt has agreed to scale back its expansion plans in Minnesota in a deal with regulators to protect sensitive groundwater and pine forests in central Minnesota.
Bakery products in Taiwan; Many bakery products still contain trans fats
september 13, 2015

Taiwan to ban trans fat in processed food

In Taiwan, the Food and Drug Administration under the Ministry of Health and Welfare is taking steps to remove artificial trans fat from Taiwan’s food supply chain.
Argentina: La producción de papa en crisis
september 12, 2015

Argentina: La producción de papa en crisis

Las explotaciones del tubérculo están en situación muy crítica en el Sudeste de la Provincia y en el país en general, con dos perdedores claros en los extremos de la cadena: productor y consumidor. El plan de gobierno brilla por su ausencia.
Florigo showed the 25 tons/h Fryer for French Fries during its open day
september 11, 2015

Florigo builds 25 ton/h Fryer for French Fries

Dutch processing equipment manufacturer Florigo, since March of this year a tna company, takes its processing capabilities to a new level with the company’s breakthrough high performance 25 t/h fryer for french fries.
Colombia: Buscan aumentar a 100 kilogramos consumo de papa por persona al año
september 10, 2015

Colombia: Buscan aumentar a 100 kilogramos consumo de papa por persona al año

En el marco de la campaña “La papa tiene lo suyo”, el MinAgricultura, Aurelio Iragorri Valencia, resaltó la importancia de este producto en la dieta alimenticia de los colombianos y les planteó a los ciudadanos el reto de aumentar el consumo por persona al año.


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