
Potatoes NZ request Emergency Measures to ban EU imports
mei 29, 2020

Potatoes NZ request Emergency Measures to ban EU imports

Potatoes New Zealand is asking the New Zealand government to give urgent consideration to imposing short-term measures limiting the importation into New Zealand of heavily discounted frozen potato chips to avoid a food security threat.
mei 28, 2020

INTERPOM 2020 op Aangepaste Openingsdagen

Beursthema: 'Let's connect the potato chain in the post-coronavirus world'. 2020 wordt in de geschiedenisboeken ingeschreven als 'het corona-jaar'.
Lamb Weston / Meijer expands its production of potato flakes
mei 28, 2020

Lamb Weston / Meijer expands its production of potato flakes

Recently the international manufacturer of processed potato products Lamb Weston / Meijer announced to expand its business in order to meet the worldwide increased demand for potato flakes.
Utkal Tubers appoints Food & Agri industry veteran Vinod Bhat as CEO
mei 28, 2020

Utkal Tubers appoints Food & Agri industry veteran Vinod Bhat as CEO

Zephyr Peacock backed potato seeds company, Utkal Tubers, has announced the appointment of Vinod Bhat, an industry veteran as Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
TOMRA Food Appoints Potato Expert to Strengthen Its Global Sales Organization
mei 28, 2020

TOMRA Food Appoints Potato Expert to Strengthen Its Global Sales Organization

TOMRA Food has appointed category expert Marco Colombo as Global Category Director Potatoes. In this role, he will strengthen the company’s relationship with the potato industry even further and consolidate its position as a thought leader in the sector.
Starch Europe Welcomes the Publication of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy
mei 26, 2020

Starch Europe Welcomes the Publication of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy

Starch Europe today welcomed the much-anticipated publication of the European Commission’s EU Farm to Fork Strategy. Starch Europe and its members strongly support the Commission’s climate neutrality ambition and the important role a more sustainable food system plays to achieve that objective.
Unique robot helps HZPC in the fight against diseases
mei 26, 2020

Unique robot helps HZPC in the fight against diseases

HZPC is employing the services of a specialized robot in its fight against potato diseases and viruses within its breeding program.
Europatat welcomes the Farm to Fork strategy and calls on the Commission to ensure a coherent and realistic approach
mei 25, 2020

Europatat welcomes the Farm to Fork strategy and calls on the Commission to ensure a coherent and realistic approach

Europatat welcomes the Farm to Fork Strategy published today by the European Commission. There is a need to secure a fair, healthy, and environmentally-friendly food system, a message that the potato sector fully endorses.
Perú: Líder de producción de papa en América Latina
mei 25, 2020

Perú: Líder de producción de papa en América Latina

De acuerdo al Sistema de Información de Cultivos del Ministerio de Agricultura la campaña 2019-2020 el área de papa corresponde a un poco más de 346,000 Has., con una producción de 4.5 millones de toneladas.
En Castilla y León se espera que la superficie de patata ocupe este año cerca de 18.000 hectáreas.
mei 25, 2020

Castilla y León: El sector de la patata asume el reto de una campaña llena de incógnitas.

Los posibles efectos del coronavirus en el mercado durante el segundo semestre del año y la prohibición de uso del CIPC en la fase de conservación, marcan una nueva campaña de patata repleta de interrogantes que pueden poner en riesgo la rentabilidad de un cultivo que requiere de elevadas inversiones por parte de agricultores, almacenistas y cooperativas.
Frost causes severe damage to early potato crops in Ireland– pictures
mei 22, 2020

Frost causes severe damage to early potato crops in Ireland

Freezing temperatures around Ireland over the past week has damaged many early potato crops.
La patata nueva de España llega a los supermercados con Patatas Meléndez
mei 19, 2020

La patata nueva de España llega a los supermercados con Patatas Meléndez

Patatas Meléndez, la empresa vallisoletana líder en el sector de la patata fresca, lanza su campaña de patata nueva nacional. Así, se adelanta con la patata temprana y la pone a disposición de los consumidores en toda su red de distribución retail (supermercados y su propia tienda online).


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