
La papa es un cultivo de mucho impacto que genera 5,800 empleos permanentes en Honduras, la principal fuente de ingresos en el área rural.
september 01, 2021

Honduras: Paperos emiten un nuevo SOS en demanda de condonaciones

Productores de papa de Honduras emitieron un nuevo llamado de auxilio en demanda al gobierno de condonaciones de deudas y subsidios que les permita salir adelante con deudas financieras y recuperarse de pérdidas millonarias.
Grote Company Acquired Precision Food Innovations (PFI)
augustus 31, 2021

Grote Company Acquired Precision Food Innovations (PFI)

Grote Company, an industrial food slicing, and assembly equipment manufacturer, has acquired Precision Food Innovations (PFI).
Las plantaciones de patata de A Limia (Ourense), principal comarca productora de este tubérculo en Galicia.
augustus 31, 2021

España: Previsiones de muy buena cosecha de patata en A Limia, Ourense

Las lluvias recurrentes durante la primavera y el verano propician un crecimiento excelente de los tubérculos. Se espera buena producción y de calidad y un adelanto de la recogida. Preocupa el incremento de costos para productores y mayoristas por las limitaciones en los antigerminantes.
McCain tiene como principal cliente a McDonald's y también es dueña de la marca de pizzas Sibarita.
augustus 31, 2021

Argentina: El negocio de las papas congeladas repunta tras la apertura de bares y restaurantes

A medida que la pandemia va permitiendo la apertura de los distintos sectores de la economía argentina, uno de los negocios con perspectivas de crecimiento en el corto plazo, es el de las papas congeladas. En este contexto, la canadiense McCain, espera crecer en volumen más del 35 porciento en el próximo año.
El consejero Guillermo Blanco ha ofrecido apoyo para avanzar en una Indicación Geográfica Protegida.
augustus 31, 2021

España: Las buenas patatas de Valderredible ya tienen una asociación que las defienda

Once productores fundan en Polientes la Asociación Calidad Diferenciada Patata de la zona. El consejero Guillermo Blanco ha ofrecido apoyo para avanzar en una Indicación Geográfica Protegida, IGP.
After one and a half years without potato events, it was time to meet up again
augustus 30, 2021

'After one and a half years without potato events, it was time to meet up again'

Thirty-four potato growers took the opportunity to discuss potatoes, exchange information about the potato market and simply make small talk again at a variety presentation at Europlant.
Tongs new MonstaFill transforms box filling worldwide
augustus 30, 2021

Tong's new MonstaFill transforms box filling worldwide

New models of the MonstaFill twin-head box filler are in production at Tong’s new purpose-built manufacturing facility, demonstrating its role in bringing real benefits to growers.
Wendy's is giving its french fries a makeover
augustus 30, 2021

Wendy's is giving its french fries a makeover

The fast food chain is giving its top-selling menu item a makeover for the Covid era: a fry that retains more heat and keeps its crispiness longer compared to its predecessor.
Heat, drought stress Red River Valley potato crop, resulting in quality, yield reduction of table stock
augustus 29, 2021

Heat, drought stress Red River Valley potato crop, resulting in quality, yield reduction of table stock

The toll that hot dry weather took on the Red River Valley 2021 potato crop won’t be visible until harvest begins in a few weeks, but it’s already clear it has affected yields and quality.
Burns and Stenzel Announce Industry Officers of New Association
augustus 29, 2021

Cathy Burns (PMA) and Tom Stenzel (United Fresh) Announce Industry Officers of New Association after its merger.

Future Co-CEOs Cathy Burns of Produce Marketing Association (PMA) and Tom Stenzel of United Fresh have named the Executive Committee that will serve as officers for the new association.
Cynthia Wilson (Diné), director of Utah Diné Bikéyah Traditional Foods Program, holds potatoes that have grown in Utah for more than 11000 years
augustus 29, 2021

11000 year old solution to modern problem: Ancient potato could thrive in changing climate

With drought a persistent problem in the Southwest, Hopi/Tewa seed keeper Valerie Nuvayestewa has eagerly joined the effort to bring back an Indigenous superfood that her ancestors cultivated for 11000 years.
Snacking trends in China: Mango and sauerkraut flavors among top cravings, highlights Dada Group
augustus 29, 2021

Snacking trends in China: Mango and sauerkraut flavors among top cravings, highlights Dada Group

Dada Group highlighted the current shopping preferences in China, which range from mango-flavored chocolate to sauerkraut-flavored potato chips.


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