
 Focus on Potato
juli 08, 2010

'Focus on Potato' offers webcasts and science backed information for crop protection

The Plant Management Network (PMN), a nonprofit publisher of applied agricultural and horticultural information, announces the launch of  Focus on Potato, a resource that features webcasts and other science-backed information tools that will help potat...
juli 08, 2010

Alerta por posible plaga que ataca cultivos de papa

Autoridades fitosanitarias del país están en alerta por la posible llegada de un insecto que ataca los cultivos de papa. Esta plaga conocida como paratrioza, se alimenta de las hojas y las flores de la papa y es transmisor de múltiples enfermedades, ...
juli 08, 2010

Emisiones en Internet sobre protección de cultivos

La Red de Manejo de Cultivos (PMN, por sus siglas en ingles), una editorial sin fines de lucro con información agrícola y hortícola, anuncia el lanzamiento de "Focus on Potato", un recurso en ingles con emisiones por Internet y otras herramie...
juli 08, 2010

Othello welcomes potato growers and scientists

Potato growers and scientists from Washington, Oregon and Idaho congregated at Washington State University’s Othello Research facility at Cox and Booker roads during Potato Field Day June 24 to exchange pertinent facts about pest control and water mana...
 McCain Foods Limited
juli 07, 2010

McCain Foods introduces SAP Consumer Products business software

McCain Foods Limited, one of Canada’s most recognizable global brands and the manufacturer of frozen food products such as french fries, appetizers, pizzas, vegetables, desserts, juices, entrees and oven meals, has selected the SAP® for Consumer Produc...
juli 07, 2010

2009: Bad year for potatoes, good year for sorting equipment manufacturer BEST

During the International Potato Processing and Storage Convention (IPPSC), recently held in Edinburgh, Scotland the Belgian Electronic Sorting Technology (BEST), manufacturer of electronic sorting equipment, looked back at the European potato harvest o...
juli 07, 2010

FDA invites comments on law requiring posting of calories

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced that it is inviting the public to submit comments and information to help the agency implement a new federal law that requires the posting of calorie content and other nutrition information on menu ...
juli 07, 2010

Late blight found in Walsh Country, North Dakota

Despite hot dry weather, Late Blight was found in a field in northern Walsh County in northeast North Dakota late last week.This is in addition to finds in Dickey County in southeast North Dakota and in the Carberry and Carman areas of southern Manitob...
juli 07, 2010

Mashed potato in foodservice on the rise

Mashed potatoes in foodservice operations are up 29% in the past four years. In Q1 2006, the top 350 chain restaurant menus listed 1,749 mashed potato menu items. In Q1 2010, there were 2,256. This is an important and positive trend for potatoes in foo...
juli 07, 2010

Additional cases of Dickeya solani identified in Scotland

The number of cases of a potentially devastating soil-borne bacterium that could cause significant potato production problems in Scottish seed potatoes has doubled.The Scottish Government yesterday admitted it had found two more cases of Dickeya solani...
juli 06, 2010

Toelaten van ggo-gewassen niet langer EU-bevoegdheid?

De Europese Commissie werkt aan een voorstel om de toelating van ggo-gewassen niet langer op Europees niveau te beslechten. Het dossier zou half juli worden voorgesteld tijdens het Belgisch EU-voorzitterschap. Uittredend minister van Landbouw Sabine La...
 North-western European Potato Growers
juli 06, 2010

NEPG: aardappelareaal West Europa blijft gelijk in 2010

Het aardappelareaal van Europa is nagenoeg gelijk gebleven aan het areaal van vorig jaar. Dit melden de North Western European Potato Growers (NEPG). De verwachting van NEPG is dat het areaal in Nederland, Duitsland en Frankrijk onveranderd is. Het fei...


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