
november 07, 2010

Top 10 Food Trends for 2011

Ten emerging food trends that will impact new product activity in 2011 have been identified by Innova Market Insights
 See the video in the HZPC press release
november 07, 2010

HZPC launches a social media website for the fresh potato business chain

The HZPC trading company in Joure, the Netherlands, has held a seminar for an international gathering of representatives from European supermarket chains and retail packers of fresh potatoes with the title “The International Fresh Potato (R)evolution”.
Sweet potato fries
november 07, 2010

Sweet Potato Processing Plant Conagra Foods Lamb Weston officially open

ConAgra Foods CEO Gary Rodkin joined Lamb Weston President Jeff DeLapp, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and others today to commemorate the grand opening of ConAgra Foods Lamb Weston’s new state-of-the art, environmentally friendly sweet potato processing plant in Delhi, Louisiana.
november 07, 2010

Agrico richt dochterbedrijf in Roemenie op: Cartof Agrico

Agrico heeft een dochterbedrijf opgericht in Roemenië. Het bedrijf verpakt tafelaardappelen voor levering aan supermarkten.
Agrico presenteert nieuwe aardappelrassen in Franse ambiance
november 07, 2010

Agrico presenteert nieuwe aardappelrassen in Franse ambiance

Hoewel de Fransen in vergelijking met andere Europese landen pas laat de aardappel omarmden, is de Franse aardappelmarkt momenteel toonaangevend.
november 07, 2010

HZPC lanza sitio web para la cadena de la papa en fresco

La empresa holandesa HZPC realizó recientemente el seminario "(R)evolución de la cadena de la papa en fresco", el cual reunió a representantes de las cadenas de supermercados europeas y empacadores de venta minorista de papas frescas. El eve...
 Phileas Fogg on pack promotion
november 05, 2010

Phileas Fogg announces new on-pack offer

United Biscuits (UBUK), a leading manufacturer of biscuits, snacks and cakes, is pleased to announce the launch of a two for one dining on pack promotion across its Phileas Fogg range.
november 05, 2010

The Netherlands Commits to Solely Using Sustainable Palm Oil by 2015

By the end of 2015, all palm oil used in The Netherlands will be sustainable, as certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).
Greenvale AP
november 05, 2010

Greenvale AP wins EDIE Award for Environmental Excellence

Greenvale AP has won an award for Environmental Excellence
november 05, 2010

EU eist zetmeelsteun terug van Nederland

De Europese Unie eist bijna 29 miljoen euro aan agrarische steun terug van Nederland. De Europese Commissie vindt dat de Nederlandse autoriteiten onvoldoende controle hebben uitgevoerd.
november 04, 2010

Paraguay prohibe el endosulfán, pesticida utilizado para controlar plagas en papa

El gobierno paraguayo prohibió la importación y utilización del insecticida endosulfán en cultivos hortícolas y frutales por considerarlo tóxico para los humanos, según un comunicado divulgado el jueves por el estatal Servicio Nacional de Calidad y San...
november 04, 2010

Potato biopesticides could be available in the UK within five years

Biopesticides for use in oilseed rape and potatoes to help control diseases and promote crop growth could be on the market [in the UK] within five years


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