
november 11, 2010

Perú lanza nueva variedad de papa denominada INIA 317 – Altiplano

En presencia de las principales autoridades del departamento de Puno, se realizó el lanzamiento de la nueva variedad de papa denominada INIA 317 – ALTIPLANO, la cual cuenta con características que la hacen un producto de excelente calidad y cualidad pa...
november 11, 2010

NEWCO y Neiker-Tecnalia llevan a cabo proyecto para producir tubérculos por aeroponía

La tierra ya no es necesaria para el cultivo de patatas. Al menos, para el cultivo de patatas de siembra. NEWCO, Sociedad para la transferencia de tecnología en patata, en colaboración con El Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, Neik...
United States Fall Potato Production 2010 down 8%
november 10, 2010

United States Fall Potato Production 2010 down 8%

After months of speculation to what extent the potato production in North America would be reduced, as of yesterday we have the official estimates from the USDA for the United States.
2010 United States Fall potato production by state in comparison to 2009
november 10, 2010

United States Fall Potato Production 2010 down 8%

After months of speculation to what extent the potato production in North America would be reduced, as of yesterday we have the official estimates from the USDA for the United States. The long anticipated report 'Crop production (November 2010)' published November 9, provides detailed information on the fall potato crop in the United States.
november 10, 2010

Wendy's launches new Natural-Cut Sea Salt French Fries

Wendy's announces the launch of its new natural-cut fries with sea salt in the United States (nationwide), marking the first complete redesign of the company's classic fries in its 41-year history.
 Bacterial ring rot in potatoes
november 10, 2010

CFIA: Potato ring rot Prince Edward Island has not spread

 LTO Nederland
november 10, 2010

LTO complimenteert Duitse Boeren

De uitspraak van het Europese Hof van Justitie, waarin staat dat de publicatie van EU-subsidiegegevens onrechtmatig is, moet ook in Nederland leiden tot een aanpassing van beleid, vindt voorzitter Albert Jan Maat van LTO Nederland.
november 10, 2010

Aviko neemt fritesaardappel-activiteiten over van Agrico

Aviko neemt fritesaardappel-activiteiten over van Agrico
 Farm Frites
november 10, 2010

Farm Frites verliest Agrico als aardappelleverancier

De besprekingen tussen Agrico en Aviko Potato mogen dan al langer gaande zijn geweest, maar ze hebben het zo goed stil weten te houden dat de overname een donderslag bij heldere hemel veroorzaakte.
 Fire at grippos potato chips
november 10, 2010

Fire shut down production at Grippo's Potato Chips

Officials at the Grippo's potato chip plant in Cincinnati, Ohio say a fire damaged their factory to the point that they are unable to produce any snacks.
november 09, 2010

Mintel reveals consumer packaged goods trends for 2011

It seems it's the time of year (already?) companies and organisations bring their predictions for trends of importance in the year 2011.
 Gaibandha district
november 09, 2010

Massive plan for potato cultivation in Gaibandha (Bangladesh)

In Bangladesh, the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) has taken up an extensive plan to cultivate potato in all the seven Upazilas [subdistricts] of the district Gaibandha during the current Rabi [dry] season.


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