
december 17, 2010

Nederland exporteert meer aardappelen naar Rusland, Belgie, Polen

De Nederlandse aardappelsector heeft dit seizoen tot en met november 309.898 ton aardappelen geëxporteerd
Fruit Logistica Innovation award 2011
december 17, 2010

BIOX-M kiemremmer voor aardappelen genomineerd voor Fruit Logistica Innovation Award

Tijdens de komende editie van Fruit Logistica zal een Innovation Award uitreiken worden voor de beste innovatie van het afgelopen jaar.
Ineke Mastenbroek vertrekt bij Agrico
december 17, 2010

Ineke Mastenbroek vertrekt bij Agrico

Ineke Mastenbroek vertrekt als algemeen directeur bij aardappelhandelshuis Agrico in Emmeloord. Dit meldt het bestuur van de coöperatie in een brief aan de leden.
december 16, 2010

Food Prices rise sharply

 20 potatoes a day
december 16, 2010

Interview with Chris Voigt of 20 Potatoes a Day

Chris Voigt is the executive director of the Washington State Potato Commission, which supports and promotes the Washington state potato industry (1). On October 1st, Mr. Voigt began a two month, potato-only diet to raise awareness about the health properties of potatoes.
december 15, 2010

AVEBE en BASF Plant Science ontwikkelen Phytophthora resistente Amylopectine zetmeelaardappel

De aardappelzetmeel producent AVEBE en het plantenbiotechnologie bedrijf BASF Plant Science hebben vandaag een Research & Development samenwerking aangekondigd op het gebied van plantenbiotechnologie.
december 15, 2010

2011 global pack trends

december 15, 2010

Canadian foodservice industry outpaces U.S.

Canada's foodservice industry is growing in terms of both unit counts and menu offerings. After a 1.2 percent decline in 2009, estimates indicate that Canadian foodservice has achieved a higher growth rate in 2010 than its U.S. counterpart.
december 15, 2010

Technomic: 2011 trends driving growth of Canadian Foodservice industy

Technomic, the leading North American foodservice research and consulting firm, examines the future for Canadian restaurants
 Center for Science in the Public Interest
december 15, 2010

Class Action Lawsuit Targets McDonald's Use of Toys to Market to Children

A mother of two says that McDonald’s uses toys as bait to induce her kids to clamor to go to McDonald’s and to develop a preference for nutritionally poor Happy Meals. With the help of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, today the mom, Monet Parham, is filing a class action lawsuit aimed at stopping McDonald’s use of toys to market directly to young children.
 McDonald's Shanghai
december 15, 2010

McDonald's is stepping up its expansion in China

McDonald's Corp. is planning its biggest ever expansion in China as it faces mounting challenges from competitors and higher food costs amid rising inflation.
december 15, 2010

Pack Expo 2010 without Process Expo increased visitor and exhibitor counts

Pack Expo 2010 didn't seem to suffer any as a solo show for the first time in 14 years.


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