Potato Industry New Brunswick concerned about storability 2011 crop

Potatoes New Brunswick for news

New Brunswick

september 19, 2011
In New Brunswick, the brighter/dryer weather experienced the last ten days has been a welcome change for potato growers as they prepare for harvest.

All of the seed lots have now been topkilled.

A small number of growers have already commenced the main harvest. Yields reported are mostly average but quite variable as well (ranging anywhere from 70 – 200 barrels/acre).

Quality on the other hand, due primarily to the extremely wet growing season, has the Industry very concerned. Rot and hollow heart are resulting in very high cullage in Shepody, Norkotah and other varieties. Late Blight is continuing to spread. Storability issues are prevalent.

The majority of growers will be harvesting by September 19 which also marks the first day of the (last) Carleton North two-week school potato break.
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