United States Potato Board reaching out to 'Linda' online.

United States Potato Board reaching out to 'Linda' online.

Interview with Meredith Myers (USPB) and Brittany Mohr (Fleishman-Hillard):

Linda is not a real person but she is the most desired person in the marketing world according to Meredith Myers, Public Relations Manager for the United States Potato Board.

MYERS: First of all we have a target market that we are really trying to reach in significant ways;we call her Linda and she’s that marketing sweet spot of women who are between the ages of 25 and 54 with kids under 18 at home. Her attention is sought after by many marketers.

The USPB has recently launched a new website along with pages on Facebook and Twitter. Brittany Mohr, Account Executive with Fleishman-Hillard says Linda’s friends have expanded.

MOHR: Her peer group has just expanded exponentially so her quote-unquote “friends” are no longer just the people she’s physically in near enough proximity to get together with for coffee but also her virtual friends, Facebook friends, followers on Twitter, her blog community, whatever it might be and those relationships have become almost as strong and valuable in her eyes and as trustworthy of sources for recipes or advice or whatever it might be.

If you haven’t noticed more and more people are spending time online and use social media like blogging and programs like MySpace, Facebook and Twitter to keep in touch and so it is an important way of getting your message out there in addition to the conventional print and broadcast media.

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