Potato Trading Company MBMG calls in Administrators

Potato Trading Company MBMG calls in Administrators
juli 23, 2009

More than 80 jobs will go after potato trading company MBMG went into administration.

Ian Carr and Malcolm Shierson of Grant Thornton were appointed joint administrators to the company, which has its headquarters in March, Cambridgeshire, and employs about 100.

Two MBMG trading sites in Holbeach and Bicker in Lincolnshire will be closed. The 43 employees at Holbeach and 41 at Bicker have been informed of the decision, the administrators said.

About 15 staff at the March headquarters also face uncertain prospects while the administrators consider the future of the firm.


According to a message on the MBMG website, purchasers of the property and/or assets of the business are actively being sought and any interest should be directed to Paul Addison on paul.j.addison@gtuk.com.

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