Potato Company Albert Bartlett signs up Desperate Housewives star

Potato Company Albert Bartlett signs up Desperate Housewives star
september 02, 2009

Desparate Housewives star Marcia Cross has been signed up by potato company Albert Bartlett.

Marcia will front the new rooster potato ad campaign which is the biggest yet by the UK’s leading fresh potato supplier.

John Hicks, marketing manager for Albert Bartlett, said: “Our previous campaign worked very well in terms of introducing the brand to a national audience, plus educating users, especially mums, on the product USPs.

“We do, however, feel that it is time to take it to the next level and the creativity of this new campaign will really appeal to the next generation of consumers.

“Marcia Cross has mass appeal and a great synergy with our target audience, which includes families, but also couples and singles. Most people will not expect to see Marcia appearing in a potato commercial which will make her impact even greater, she will definitely bring a much needed touch of glamour to the fresh potato category.”

Targeting housewives and the “next generation of fresh potato consumers,” the TV campaign is scheduled to be screened from the first week of October until the run up to Christmas, with print advertisements planned for the September to Christmas editions of retail magazines and grocery trade titles.

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