Snow Puts Idaho Potato Harvest on Hold

oktober 13, 2008
The first snow storm of the year hit during Idaho's spud harvest.  Now growers have to stop digging the state's famous crop. One grower who explains about the snow and cold and what happens now with the harvest.
A wet spring delayed some growers from planting on time, pushing back their harvest schedule. Others were right on time with their planned harvest, but still caught by the storm, and are now forced to put the digging on hold until the ground dries enough to get the equipment back out in the fields. Right now it's just too muddy in this field in Shelley. Here in American falls there's still snow on the ground.
James Hoff: "It's not uncommon to see weather like this. We're just hopeful it doesn't stay cold like this for a long period to time. We can stand a few nights of these cooler temperatures and still be ok."
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