Nieuw onderhandelingsresultaat CAO Avebe

januari 15, 2008

De vakbonden en Avebe hebben een nieuw resultaat bereikt in de onderhandelingen over een cao voor het aardappelzetmeelconcern.

In december wezen de leden van de vakbonden het toen bereikte onderhandelingsresultaat nog af. De cao voor de Avebe-medewerkers liep eind vorig jaar af. Het struikelblok voor een nieuwe cao is de extra werkuren voor werknemers in ploegendiensten. Avebe wil dat werknemers acht dagen extra werken voor scholing en training. In de zomer worden werknemers maximaal vijf extra werkdagen ingeroosterd.

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FAO Food Price Index firm in June: higher vegetable oil, sugar and dairy prices offset lower cereal quotations
juli 07, 2024

FAO Food Price Index firm in June: higher vegetable oil, sugar and dairy prices offset lower cereal quotations

The FAO Food Price Index* (FFPI) stood at 120.6 points in June 2024, unchanged from its revised figure for May, as increases in the price indices for vegetable oil, sugar and dairy products balanced out a decrease in the price index for cereals, while the meat index was almost unchanged.
FAO Food Price Index slightly up in May: higher cereal and dairy prices offset easing sugar and vegetable oil quotations
juni 07, 2024

FAO Food Price Index slightly up in May: higher cereal and dairy prices offset easing sugar and vegetable oil quotations

The FAO Food Price Index* (FFPI) stood at 120.4 points in May 2024, up 1.1 points (0.9 percent) from its revised April level, as increases in the price indices for cereals and dairy products slightly more than offset decreases in those for sugar and vegetable oils, while the meat price index was almost unchanged. 
FAO Food Price Index up marginally in April, mostly driven by higher world meat prices
mei 08, 2024

FAO Food Price Index up marginally in April, mostly driven by higher world meat prices

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) stood at 119.1 points in April 2024, up 0.3 points (0.3 percent) from its revised March level, as an increase in the price index for meat and smaller upturns of vegetable oil and cereal indices slightly more than offset decreases in those for sugar and dairy products.
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