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University of Lincoln


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The University of Lincoln is a public research university in Lincoln, England, with origins dating back to 1861. Lincoln is rated among the UK's top 20 universities for student satisfaction in the Guardian University Guide 2022 and the Complete University Guide 2022 and in the top 30 UK universities overall in the What Uni Student Choice Awards 2020.

They hold a top five-star rating in the QS Stars ratings system of global universities and are placed among the world's top 150 young universities in The Times Higher Education Young University Rankings 2021.

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Psyllid Peril To Potato Prosperity: Lincoln University Research Saves A Canterbury Crop Crisis
augustus 26, 2024

How to fight Tomato Potato Psyllids (TPP): Lincoln University Research ends Zebra Chip disease threat in Canterbury

Three years ago, 5% of Canterbury’s potatoes were being lost to a disease which threatened to shut down the industry. Now the pest responsible has been driven off thanks to Te Whare Wānaka o Aoraki Lincoln University researchers.

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