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    TOMRA Systems ASA

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    TOMRA creates sensor-based solutions for optimal resource productivity - transforming how they obtain, use, and reuse resources.

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    Supermarket of the Future: tackling food waste

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    TOMRA CEO discusses TOMRA Food’s capabilities and future aspirations at Fruit Logistica
    februari 12, 2019

    TOMRA CEO discusses TOMRA Food’s capabilities and future aspirations at Fruit Logistica

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    TOMRA CEO wins pres
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    TOMRA CEO wins prestigious European Business Leaders Award

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    TOMRA acquires new Zealand Sorting Machine Manufacturer Compac
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    TOMRA acquires New Zealand Sorting Machine Manufacturer Compac

    TOMRA Systems ASA, has signed an agreement with the owners of Compac Holding Ltd for 100 per cent of the shares in the company.

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    TOMRA Systems ASA

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