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Scotland's Rural College (SRUC)

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Scotland's Rural College (SRUC) was created in 2012 from the merger of the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) with Barony, Elmwood and Oatridge College.

Scotland's Rural College is a higher education and research organisation in the United Kingdom with a range of research activities related to potato cultivation for potato growers.

Their mission is creating and mobilising knowledge and talent. Partnering locally and globally to benefit Scotland’s natural economy. Education, research, and consultancy (through SAC Consulting) at SRUC grows the natural economy.

By focussing on the sustainable natural economy, SRUC will strive to lead the way in delivering economic, social and environmental benefits for all, in Scotland, and beyond.
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Nieuws over dit bedrijf

Agricultural tech revolution: Eyes in sky precise for potatoes.
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Agricultural tech revolution: Eyes in sky precise for potatoes.

Recently, drones have been given what might just be their most important ever role: being deployed to protect Scottish potatoes.
Scottish potato crop suffers from wet summer
augustus 16, 2015

Scottish potato crop suffers from wet summer

Experts fear that in Scotland the combination of scaled back potato planting and a drop in yield due to wet weather could lead to a shortage of potatoes.
augustus 17, 2012

Blackleg concerns over Scottish seed crop

Wet weather is once again favouring blackleg development in Scottish seed potato crops, although disease levels are believed currently to be below the record levels seen in 2011.
juni 28, 2012

New blight strain prompts fungicide concerns in the UK

Dutch tests on a new strain of potato blight similar to that discovered for the first time in the UK last year have shown some isolates have reduced sensitivity to the common active fluazinam used to control the disease.