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Schaap Holland

Agrico, Leo de Kock and Nedato join forces for ware potatoes.

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Schaap Holland has been active in the potato world for over 50 years. The family business is growing and is represented by 140 colleagues.

The company is involved in the entire potato chain.

Through their sorting, packaging and peeling company, they supply a wide range of table potatoes and chilled potato products, which find their way to supermarkets and wholesalers under their Poldergoud brand.

In addition, they develop new potato varieties in collaboration with various breeding companies and they are active worldwide as a supplier of seed potatoes and exporter of consumption potatoes.

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Nieuws over dit bedrijf

Schaap Holland
september 15, 2009

Schaap Holland introduces packaging for baked potatoes in Country & Western style

Potato specialist Schaap Holland introduced a new 'Grillerdoos' (Barbecue Box) during Potato Europe.In the pack are 40, 50 or 60 pieces of washed potatoes for the barbecue market. The packaging is intended for the German market. "In Holland the m...
juni 01, 2008

Oranjekoorts in aardappelopslagloods

De aardappelloods van aardappelverwerkingsbedrijf Schaap Holland in Biddinghuizen wordt omgebouwd tot een oranje Kartoffelarena.Vanaf zaterdag kunnen hier de verrichtingen van het Nederlands elftal tijdens het Europees kampioenschap voetbal worden gevo...