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McCain Foods (Aust) Pty Ltd. - Penola

Potato wedges

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This page has been inactivated because the McCain Foods Penola factory has been closed McCain Foods has closed its Penola factory (SAFries) on December 20, 2013

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Former McCain Foods production facility in Penola South Australia (Safries). The plant was closed on December 20, 2013.
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Nieuws over dit bedrijf

Former McCain Foods Plant in Penola (Australia) gets new life as dairy processing facility
mei 20, 2015

Former McCain Foods Plant in Penola (Australia) gets new life as dairy processing facility

Former McCain Foods Plant in Penola (Australia) gets a new life as dairy processing facility
South Australian potato growers disappointed with sale of McCain Penola facility to beef company
december 23, 2014

South Australian potato growers disappointed with sale of McCain Penola facility to beef company

In South Australia, McCain has sold its former potato processing factory at Penola to a meat processor, to the dismay of some local growers.
SAFries facility McCain Foods Australia (Courtesy: ABC News)
juli 24, 2014

Australia: Potato growers in negotiations about Safries facility

Potato farmers are looking to take control of the Penola Safries plant to use it for storage.
november 05, 2013

McCain urged to fund freight of Penola Potato growers

South Australian Potato producers have called for fair freight arrangements following the closure of McCain Foods' Penola plant.

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McCain Foods (Aust) Pty Ltd. - Penola

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