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LEHA Agriculture


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LEHA Agriculture is a subsidiary of the diversified LEHA Group of Companies, based in Saudi Arabia.

Among the activities of LEHA Agriculture is the production of seed potatoes, table potatoes and potatoes for (chips) processing.

LEHA Agriculture is the largest supplier of seed potatoes in the Middle East region.

Product Types offered by this company

Nieuws over dit bedrijf

HZPC names Homoud Saleh (LEHA Group) Potato Man of the Year 2017
november 14, 2017

HZPC names Homoud Saleh (LEHA Group) Potato Man of the Year 2017

Each year, during the Potato Days, potato breeder HZPC announces the Potato (wo)man of the Year. This year Mr. Homoud Saleh was rewarded with this title.

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