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International Potato Center (CIP)


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The International Potato Center or Centro Internacional de la Papa (also known by its Spanish acronym, CIP) seeks to reduce poverty and achieve food security on a sustained basis in developing countries.

The Center works to achieve this through scientific research and related activities on potato, sweet potato, other root and tuber crops, and on the improved management of natural resources in the Andes and other mountain areas.

(Click to enlarge) International Potato Center Global Presence

International Potato Center Global Presence

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Perú: Nuevas variedades de papa beneficiarán a los agricultores, consumidores y al medio ambiente.
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Perú: Nuevas variedades de papa beneficiarán a los agricultores, consumidores y al medio ambiente

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CIP presenta futuras variedades de papa aptas para procesamiento industrial.
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CIP presenta futuras variedades de papa aptas para procesamiento industrial en bastones y horneado

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