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Giant Agro Processing Limited – GAPL


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Giant Agro Processing Limited – GAPL is an agro based company involved in the production, processing, preservation, storage and marketing of seeds. GAPL a sister concern of the Giant Group, a leading business house in Bangladesh.

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Nieuws over dit bedrijf

Late blight resistant potato variety Sarpo Mira gaining popularity in Bangladesh
februari 15, 2017

Late blight resistant potato variety Sarpo Mira gaining popularity in Bangladesh

The potato variety Sarpo Mira, highly resistant to late blight, is getting popular among farmers in the main potato-growing areas of Bangladesh, according to both farmers and officials.
januari 30, 2011

Giant Agro Processing Limited to produce virus-free potato seeds for Bangladesh

iant Agro Processing Limited plans to produce some 1000 tonnes of virus- free potato seeds this year, which include breeder seeds, foundation-grade seeds and mini tubers, a top official said.

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Giant Agro Processing Limited – GAPL

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