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FEDAGRIM vzw is the Belgian association of manufacturers and importers active in the domain of agricultural machinery and organizer of Potato Europe in Belgium

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Potato Europe 2023
september 19, 2023

Potato Europe 2023 attracts increasingly international crowd

Potato Europe 2023, recently held in Tournai, Belgium, became more international than we saw in the past years. Visitors from all around the world visited the event to see the latest European potato technologies.
augustus 21, 2019

POTATO EUROPE 2019: Met minder dan drie weken te gaan, is het tijd voor een update.

Eind april werd het laatste pootgoed op het demoterrein van PotatoEurope geplant en tot eind mei bleven de deelnemingsaanvragen binnen stromen. Met minder dan drie weken te gaan, is het tijd voor een update.
Potato professionals from all over the world visit PotatoEurope 2014
september 06, 2014

Potato professionals from all over the world visit PotatoEurope 2014

Around 10,000 potato professionsals from more than 60 countries visited PotatoEurope 2014 at the Rittergut Bockerode estate near Hanover.
 Potato Europe 2011
september 07, 2011

Potato Europe 2011 underway

Today, the annual European potato event Potato Europe started in Tournai (Kain) in Belgium. This international event for potato professionals alternates between the countries Belgium, Germany, France and The Netherlands.

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