Potato acres are expected to fall in Manitoba this spring, as french fry companies cut back on process potato contracts.
mei 18, 2015
Potato Processing Deals Reached in Manitoba, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick
Potato Producers Manitoba, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick all have reached a deal with the French Fry manufacturers.
mei 11, 2014
Cavendish Farms Jamestown reduces potato imports from Manitoba
Potato Processor Cavendish Farms of Jamestown, North Dakota, United States, has reduced its contracts with Manitoba growers (Canada) to 305,000 hundredweight for 2014
maart 09, 2014
McCain Foods: Manitoba highest-cost processing potato producer in North America
Manitoba potato farmers could face steeper cuts in contracted potato production unless they can become more cost competitive with other areas of North America, a senior official with McCain Foods says.