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Boise State University

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Boise State University is Idaho's largest University.

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Boise State University receives IGEM grant to assist industry partner Food Physics Group
maart 05, 2021

Boise State University receives IGEM grant to assist industry partner Food Physics Group

On Tuesday, Feb. 23, the IGEM Council awarded Boise State University with a grant in the amount of $291,770 to assist industry partner, Food Physics Group, with research and development of pulsed electric field processing on potatoes to reduce acrylamide and sugars.
Boise Researchers plan to develop an 'extremely low cost' sensor to detect rot in potato storage
juli 07, 2017

Boise researchers to develop an 'extremely low cost' sensor to detect rot in potato storage

Research of Boise State University plan to develop a wireless sensor network that would be able to detect temperature, humidity levels, carbon dioxide and ammonia levels in real time, to help with early detection of rot in stored potatoes.
Idaho Universities receive Grant to investigate Humigator in Potato Storage
mei 07, 2017

Idaho Universities receive Grant to investigate Humigator in Potato Storage

A partnership between Idaho State University and Boise State University has been awarded an Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (IGEM) grant to research the application of the Humigator in potato storage.

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