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Brand Description is an industry association in Belgium established in 2020, creating a single voice for the potato organisations in Belgium representing different sectors and regions.

Established on January 20, 2020 an executive board was appointed that reflects the balance attempts to strike between the various interests of potato growers, traders and processors, and between Dutch and French speakers., establishes a joint platform for potato grower organisations (ABS, BB and FWA), the potato trade and processing organisation Belgapom en the Wallonian potato association FIWAP, to define the future of the potato sector in Belgium and to represent the sector both on a national and an international level.

The most important objective of the trade association is to monitor the sustainability of the sector (ecologically, economically and socially). wants to further strengthen sustainability through innovation.

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maart 08, 2021

EU brengt duidelijkheid in toepassing MRL voor kiemremmer CIPC in aardappel

Het dossier is echter nog niet afgerond. Het tMRL zal opnieuw worden bekeken op basis van de monitoringgegevens die uiterlijk op 31 december 2021 aan de Commissie moeten worden gerapporteerd. Interbranch organization takes off in Belgium
januari 23, 2020 to become the single voice of the entire potato industry in Belgium

On January 20, the foundation deed of was officially signed in Huldenberg. The composition of the Executive Board ensures that there are balances between growers, traders and processors, and between Dutch and French speakers.