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Potato wedges

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Aviko is one of the leading suppliers and brands in potato products in Europe with a turnover of approx. € 600 million. Aviko is part of the Cosun group, a major player in the food business.

Aviko sales cover some 110 countries worldwide. Aviko produces some 50 different potato products achieving more than 24% share of the European market. Aviko’s ambition is to grow in added value business. Aviko offers frozen and chilled potato products and has a leading position in dehydrated products such as potato flakes and granulates.

Aviko recently opened a potato flake plant in China and acquired the Eurofreez company in Belgium to strengthen the strategic position in potato specialties such as frozen portioned Gratins. Aviko aims to grow in selected markets both via organic growth and via acquisitions where mutual benefits can be gained.

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