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Native Potato Starch

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Avebe is a main manufacturer of potato starch, headquartered in the Netherlands.

Avebe sells native and modified potato starch as well as potato protein globally for use in food, feed, paper, building, textiles and adhesives industries.

Avebe is a cooperative of 2,300 arable farmers in the Netherlands and Germany. Each year, the starch potatoes of those members are processed into high-grade ingredients based on potato starch and protein; they add value to food products but also to industrial applications worldwide.

Avebe works continuously on developing new opportunities and applications based on starch potatoes and is focused on sustainability. In 2019 the company reported it has 1,300 employees. Avebe operates production sites in the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden.

Avebe production sites are located in the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden

Avebe production sites are located in the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden

Avebe has its Head Office in Veendam and sales offices in the United States, Europe and Asia.

Avebe brands for food applications:
  • Eliane (waxy potato starch)
  • Etenia (enzymatically treated potato starch)
  • Perfectafilm
  • Amylofax
  • Perfectamyl
  • Farinex
  • Paselli
  • Perfectacote
  • Avedex
  • Solvicol
  • Perfectasol (texturizing system consisting of both potato starch and potato protein)
  • Solanic (potato protein fro food applications)

Avebe brands for industrial applications:

  • Solvitose (thickener for mineral binders based on gypsum or cement; building/industrial applications)
  • Casucol (thickener for mineral binders based on gypsum or cement; building/industrial applications)
  • Opagel (thickener for mineral binders based on gypsum or cement; building/industrial applications)
  • Foxcrete (thickener for mineral binders based on gypsum or cement; building/industrial applications)
  • Colle (thickener for mineral binders based on gypsum or cement; building/industrial applications)

Avebe brands for animal nutrition:

  • Protamyl
  • Protastar
  • Protamylasse, starch and sugars
  • Wet feed - potato fibres
Subsidiaries and Factory Location
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