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AVEBE Lüchow

Native Potato Starch

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AVEBE Lüchow is one of AVEBE's two potato starch factories part of AVEBE's German operations (AVEBE Kartoffelstärkefabrik Prignitz/Wendland GmbH)

AVEBE Lüchow

AVEBE Lüchow

In Lüchow AVEBE Kartoffelstärkefabrik Prignitz/Wendland GmbH produces potato starch and protein.

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Nieuws over dit bedrijf

Aardappelzetmeelcooperatie Avebe sluit bijzondere campagne af
mei 11, 2019

Aardappelzetmeelcooperatie Avebe sluit bijzondere campagne af

Eind april werden de laatste aardappelen aangeleverd bij Avebe in Gasselternijveen. Extreme droogte en het warme weer zorgden voor een uitzonderlijke aardappelcampagne.
Potato Starch manufacturer Avebe is looking for growth in Germany
augustus 29, 2018

Potato Starch manufacturer Avebe is looking for growth in Germany

Potato starch manufacturer Avebe is looking to expand its growing area in Germany. Avebe Germany account managers Ulrike Ziervogel and Hauke Warnecke explain the ambitions and how the company intends to realise them.
Avebe has started up its potato starch plants for another season
augustus 21, 2017

Avebe has started up its potato starch plants for another season

The potato season of cooperative Avebe got under way. The first loads of members’ potatoes have been delivered to its starch production plants in Ter Apelkanaal and Gasselternijveen
Potato starch Manufacturer Avebe starts the 2016 campaign
augustus 15, 2016

Potato starch Manufacturer Avebe starts the 2016 campaign

Today, Dutch Potato Starch Manufacturer Avebe started the production campaign of harvest 2016 in its processing plant in Gasselternijveen.