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ARS (Agricultural Research Service, USDA)

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The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's chief scientific research agency.

The ARS mission is to find solutions to agricultural problems that affect Americans every day, from field to table.

Here's a few rough numbers to illustrate the scope of the Agricultural Research Service:
  • 1,200 research projects within 21 National Programs
  • 2,100 scientists
  • 6,000 other employees
  • 100 research locations including a few in other countries
  • USD 1.1 billion fiscal year 2009 budget
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New Specialty potatoes: Delicious, Nutritious and Colorful
december 07, 2014

New Specialty potatoes: Delicious, Nutritious and Colorful

Agricultural Research Service scientists have bred and released colorful new potato varieties. Some have relatively high levels of beneficial red-to-purple pigments called “anthocyanins,” and others have high levels of yellow-pigmented carotenoids
Warmer winters linked to increased pesticide use
juni 26, 2014

Warmer winters linked to increased pesticide use

In this USDA research on soybean crops, researchers find a link between minimum winter temperature and pesticide use.
zebrachip symptoms in fried potatoes
mei 01, 2014

ARS: Potato Psyllids dissected for clues to better controlling it

Researchers at USDA's Agricultural Research Service are leaving no stone unturned when it comes to finding new ways of managing zebra chip disease and the insect that can spread it to potato crops.
Tecnología para procesar los purés se extiende a nuevos mercados
februari 24, 2014

Tecnología para procesar los purés se extiende a nuevos mercados

Un proceso para hacer los purés se ha extendido a los mercados internacionales con patentes concedidas en EE.UU. y también en China, Nueva Zelanda y Australia. El proceso fue patentado conjuntamente por colaboradores con el Servicio de Investigación Agrícola (ARS).