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Agrico, Leo de Kock and Nedato join forces for ware potatoes.

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Agrico is a Dutch farmers cooperative of over 1,300 specialist potato growers, each of whom devotes the greatest possible care to your product, to ensure you a profitable future.

Together, they produce in excess of one million tonnes of seed and ware potatoes per year to be marketed by Agrico.

Subsidiaries and Factory Location

Nieuws over dit bedrijf

Next Generation varieties in Bangladesh
april 02, 2021

Next Generation potato varieties in Bangladesh

Agrico's Phytophthora-resistant Next Generation varieties Carolus and Alouette are cultivated in Bangladesh. These varieties provide a solid foundation for a sustainable and healthy crop. Because of their natural resistance to Phytophthora, they have increased yield security with the least possible input. This results in an optimum return.
Agrico's Next Generation potato varieties now available on its online platform
maart 27, 2021

Agrico's Next Generation potato varieties now available on its online platform

Last November Agrico built an online news platform to support its buyers and growers with important knowledge and information. Agrico now also shares the latest insights and successes of its Next Generation potato varieties on this online platform
januari 03, 2021

Agrico pootgoed naar Bangladesh

Hoe vindt het Agrico pootgoed haar weg naar Bangladesh? De reis begint met het verkopen van het pootgoed.
december 18, 2020

Aardappelcooperatie Agrico blikt positief terug ondanks bewogen jaar

Afgelopen week hield aardappelcooperatie Agrico haar jaarlijkse centrale ledenvergadering. In deze online vergadering zijn o.a. de jaarcijfers 2019/2020 besproken en was er aandacht voor de digitale transformatie van Agrico.