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Agri 2.0


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Agri 2.0 is a leading distributor for precision farming equipment and planting equipment for strip-till and no-till agriculture with its own locations in Russia and Ukraine.

In addition, it has a network of 20 dealers in Russia. The company, headquartered in Lipetsk, Russia, represents a number of renowned brands including Raven, Precision Planting, Horizon, and Harvest International.

Agri 2.0 specializes in providing 'smart' and innovative solutions to maximize revenues, optimize costs and let customers run their businesses more efficiently.
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januari 17, 2022

APH Group neemt Agri 2.0 over en groeit verder in Rusland en Oekraïne

APH Group, distributeur van landbouwmachines, heeft per 1 januari 2022 de activiteiten van Agri 2.0 CIS B.V. (hierna: Agri 2.0) overgenomen in Rusland en Oekraïne.

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Agri 2.0

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