Potato News

Scotty Brand announces first Ayrshire potatoes.
June 24, 2021

Scotty Brand announces first Ayrshire potatoes

Scotty Brand (a brand of Albert Bartlett Ltd) has welcomed the start of its potato and Scottish strawberry season in Ayrshire. The company has great sales hopes after the number of Scots buying local vegetables has increased.
Potatoes continue to pack a punch for family enterprise
June 24, 2021

Potatoes continue to pack a punch for Irish family enterprise

Smaller pack sizes and new packaging formats that allow potatoes to be microwaved for convenience, are among the industry trends being embraced by K&K Produce, which is based in Fingal, Co. Dublin.
US Online Grocery Sales hit USD8.4 billion in April, up 16% vs prior year
June 24, 2021

US Online Grocery Sales hit USD8.4 billion in April, up 16% vs prior year

The US online grocery market finished April with $8.4 billion in sales, as 67.8 million households placed an average of 2.73 online grocery orders during the month.
Zimbabwe: Matabeleland South Potato Producer Laments Lockdown Induced Losses
June 24, 2021

Zimbabwe: Matabeleland South Potato Producer Laments Lockdown Induced Losses

The prolonged Covid-19 lockdown has brought more harm to potato production that any other crop being produced in Zimbabwe at the Agricultural Rural Development Authority (ARDA) Trek Antelope Estate in Maphisa, Matabeleland South.
Re-educating Nigerian Potato growers: from farming as a culture to farming as a business
June 23, 2021

Re-educating Nigerian Potato growers: from farming as a culture to farming as a business

The Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) has commenced training for Irish potato farmers in Kano. The training which began on Monday, June 21, will end on Friday, June 25, 2021.
Side Delights® recipes: Crab Filled Potato Bites.
June 23, 2021

Side Delights Potatoes: menu tips for the Return of the in-person Party

Side Delights is providing menu tips for event planners as party planning begins and consumers celebrate the return of the roaring twenties.
The new Pringles Wendy's Spicy Chicken Flavour Chips now also available in Canada
June 23, 2021

The new Pringles Wendy's Spicy Chicken Flavour Chips now also available in Canada

Want to spice up your life? After introducing Pringles Wendy's Spicy Chicken flavour chips in the US, Pringles and Wendy's® are joining together to bring this mind-blowing innovation to Canada.
French fries on a baking tray in the oven
June 23, 2021

Potato nutrients can help reduce sodium retention, may help reduce risk of hypertension

New study finds that individuals with higher cardiometabolic risk may benefit from adding more dietary potassium, via potatoes, to a typical American diet
Sudan: Two Projects Promoting Potato Production to Be Implemented
June 22, 2021

Sudan: Two Projects Promoting Potato Production to Be Implemented

Potato cultivation has seen tremendous success in Sudan when productivity in some areas reached 28 tons an acre, like in the Alarqam Project of Western Omdurman here. The Meroe Dam Project (in Northern Sudan) has produced 20 tons per acre.
Iraq: New agricultural project to create more than 500 jobs.
June 22, 2021

Iraq: New potato processing project to create more than 500 jobs

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Thursday laid the foundation stone of a potato production factory in Duhok, set to provide 500 jobs and make use of local potato products.
Research: Resilience and innovation in the agricultural sector in Europe
June 22, 2021

Research: Resilience and innovation in the agricultural sector in Europe

Wageningen University & Research has conducted research into the resilience of the agricultural sector. How do farmers keep in step with their environment? Examples include the changing weather conditions, climate change and government policy.
Estudio de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL) revela que la Papa resiste más la sequía con suplemento de calcio.
June 22, 2021

Estudio de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL) revela que la Papa resiste más la sequía con suplemento de calcio

Tras realizar experimentos con tratamientos para mejorar el comportamiento de un cultivo de papa criolla en condiciones de déficit hídrico, se encontró que el cloruro y el nitrato de calcio mejorarían su producción.


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