Potato News

September 19, 2008

Rooitijd Hoofdoogst aangebroken

De rooitijd voor de aardappelen van de hoofdoogst is aangebroken. Na de ruime hoeveelheid neerslag van eind vorige week zijn de weersomstandigheden alsmede de vooruitzichten prima zodat er de komende week flink kan worden doorgewerkt.De stemming in de ...
September 19, 2008

'Aantal aardappeltelers heeft te veel geld uitgegeven aan bestrijding phytophthora'

Een aantal aardappeltelers heeft teveel geld uitgegeven aan de bestrijding van de schimmelziekten phytophthora en alternaria. De telers deden dit vooral uit angst voor de schimmelziekten of door onwetendheid, aldus Huub Schepers, onderzoeker bij Wageni...
 Love Potatoes Potato Council Campaign
September 19, 2008

Potato Council (UK) continues the 'Love Potatoes' campaign through fall

Riding high on the wave of increased awareness generated by the ‘Love Potatoes’ summer marketing campaign, Potato Council is setting its sights on increasing potato-based meals eaten in the home even further this autumn.The new season of activity will ...
September 19, 2008

Starbucks and KFC are drawn into China's tainted milk scandal

STARBUCKS and KFC have admitted using products from firms affected by China's tainted milk crisis. The news cames as Hong Kong ordered recalls of ice creams found to be contaminated with melamine, the compound responsible for killing four babies in a h...
Cargill opens rapeseed crush plant in Montoir, western France
September 18, 2008

Cargill opens rapeseed crush plant in Montoir, western France

Cargill has inaugurated a new €65-million rapeseed crush plant in the port of Montoir in western France. The company has made the investment in partnership with Sofiprotéol, which promotes the marketing and processing of oilseeds in France. Cargill is ...
Inventure Group adds Onion Rings to Burger King Snack line
September 18, 2008

Inventure Group adds Onion Rings to Burger King Snack line

Burger King Corp. (NYSE:BKC) announced today the addition of Onion Rings to the existing line of branded BURGER KING™ Snacks. Onion Rings, a round, crispy puffed snack with a zesty onion flavor, joins the potato snack flavors of Ketchup &Fries, a b...
September 18, 2008

Bolivia produce 750 mil toneladas de papa al año

Anualmente, Bolivia produce alrededor de 750 mil toneladas de papa, cuya totalidad va a abastecer el mercado interno. Sin embargo, un 15 por ciento de esta producción se pierde por diferentes problemas de postcosecha, según advierte la Fundación Proinp...
 McDonalds French Fries produced in Lamb Weston's Hermiston factory
September 18, 2008

McDonald’s shows Moms the production of its World Famous French Fries

Recently, the Moms' Quality Correspondents concluded their second year of unprecedented access to the McDonald's® system of owner/operators, executives and Supply Chain with Lamb Weston, one of McDonald's Potato Suppliers for McDonald’s Hash Browns and...
 Conagra Foods
September 18, 2008

ConAgra Foods Reports Strong First-Quarter Sales Growth

ConAgra Foods, Inc., (NYSE: CAG) one of North America's leading packaged food companies, today reported results for the fiscal 2009 first quarter ended Aug. 24, 2008. Diluted EPS from continuing operations was $0.23, including net $0.04 per diluted sha...
September 18, 2008

Red River Valley: Potato acreage down, but crop good

The potato crop in the Red River Valley is said to be the best in a long time, both in production and in quality of the spuds.The government says the potato acreage of less than 80,000 acres is down 15 percent from last year and the lowest since the mi...
 Frito-Lay India
September 18, 2008

Frito-Lay plant in India resumes production

After nearly a month of closure, food and beverages maker Pepsico on Thursday announced resumption of operations at its Punjab plant as management and workers have reached a settlement. "We are glad to announce that we have reached an amicable sol...
September 18, 2008

PEI Potato Board works with farmers to improve returns

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board held a news conference today to outline the initiatives it has taken to improve financial returns for potato farmers. Potato farmers have experienced severe financial losses over the past few years due to low price...


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