Potato News

July 26, 2009

Private label food manufacturers focus on quality, convenience, health

Mintel GNPD reports that amid rampant private label food product development, manufacturers stay current with the latest food trends. Providing more than just cheap alternatives to national brands, the newest private label foods woo shoppers with prem...
July 25, 2009

Maine Potato growers battle late blight

Rob Johanson drove down a dirt path along a 5-acre field of potato plants and pointed to a scorched hole in the middle. Plants surrounding the burned earth were spindly with brown, irregular spots on their leaves from late blight fungus. Maine farmer...
July 25, 2009

Wâldgieltsje: oud Fries aardappelras is terug als niche

Het Wâldgieltsje is terug. Een oud aardappelras is nu een Friese culinaire bijzonderheid. Bijna was het eind nabij, maar aardappelteler Jaap Wilman heeft veel moeite gedaan om dat te voorkomen. Met succes.Het ras was jaren geleden op sterven na dood. D...
July 24, 2009

Situación del sector de la patata en España

La buena producción y excelente calidad del tubérculo, incluso a bajos precios, no ha servido para incentivar el consumo de la patata nacional, ya que las cadenas de distribución se han abastecido directamente de patata vieja extranjera, principalmente...
July 24, 2009

West Bengal state government potato retail counters not a success

Within days of opening shop, the state government’s potato retail counters have come a cropper, with buyers not willing to pay Rs 13 per kg for rotten potatoes when good quality ones are available in the open market for Rs 15 per kg. The result: instea...
 Potato Council
July 24, 2009

Potato Council Updates estimate of 2009 GB potato plantings

The Potato Council’s estimate of total potato plantings for 2009 has been updated from the provisional end-June area of 129,100 ha to a revised figure of 130,268 ha.This is very close to the final published figure for 2008 of 130,200 ha. The revised fi...
July 23, 2009

Genetically modified potato trial restarted in Yorkshire (UK)

A trial of genetically modified potatoes which was vandalised last year has restarted, the Yorkshire Post can reveal.The Leeds University trial aims to grow potatoes which are resistant to a microscopic worm which stunts their growth and costs British ...
July 23, 2009

Potato Trading Company MBMG calls in Administrators

More than 80 jobs will go after potato trading company MBMG went into administration.Ian Carr and Malcolm Shierson of Grant Thornton were appointed joint administrators to the company, which has its headquarters in March, Cambridgeshire, and employs ab...
 Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)
July 23, 2009

Sodium Levels at Denny’s Prompt CSPI supported Class Action Lawsuit

Most Denny's meals are dangerously high in sodium, putting the restaurant chain's customers at greater risk of high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke, according to a class action lawsuit filed today by a New Jersey man with the support of the Ce...
July 23, 2009

Pakistan: 25% import duty on potato from India stays

A federal minister on Wednesday blocked the ministry of commerce’s proposal to abolish 25 per cent regulatory duty on potato imports from India, a participant of a meeting told The News.Potato prices in the local market have registered a phenomenal sur...
 Idaho Potato Commission
July 23, 2009

Idaho Potato Commission protects Potato Brand

What's in a name? Almost everything if you're an Idaho potato farmer.Idaho potatoes are one of the most recognizable commodities in the world and growers collectively shell out about $12.5 million a year to advertise, promote and safeguard the famous b...
July 23, 2009

More French Fries in Cold Store in the US

According to the USDA NASS Cold Storage Report published July 22, the amount of French Fries in cold store in the United States on June 30, 2009 was 1,011,773,000 pounds, up 7% from last month and up 5% from last year.   The amount of "other potat...


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