France starts major marketing campaign to stimulate potato consumption
France starts major marketing campaign to stimulate potato consumption

In France, a major campaign to promote the consumption of potatoes just started.
The campaign is spearheaded by the CNIPT (Comité National Interprofessionnel de la Pomme de Terre) - the French potato association that covers all the different potato sectors. The three year long effort encompasses two different marketing programs, one entirely focused on the potato and a second campaign that focuses not only on the potato, but also on (other) fruit and vegetables, in a joint campaign of CNIPT and INTERFEL.
Both campaigns are financially supported by the French government and the European Union.
The first campaign stresses the versatility of the potato and highlights the fact that different potato dishes require different potato characteristics and hence, different potato varieties, distinguishing three different types of potatoes.
The campaign plays out on various platforms, including TV, web and social media. The campaign is developed by agency Leo Burnett - France.

The new promotion for potatoes in France: "Dual" ad with tag-lineChaque pomme de terre s'exprime à sa manière (every potato expresses itself in its own way)

Poster related to the campaign