Indra Nooyi: 'It's got to be a passion, it's gotta be your calling'

Indra Nooyi: "It's got to be a passion, it's gotta be your calling"

Interview with Indra Nooyi,

As the CEO of PepsiCo, Indra Nooyi has more than a few things on her mind. The company's products are sold in more than 200 countries and territories around the globe--and the business pressure is intense.

During a wide ranging discussing earlier this year, Nooyi talked about her mission as PepsiCo's leader, the mantle she carries as a role model, and the relentlessness of Wall Street's financial demands.

Already sixty-six billion dollars in revenue, Pepsico faces growth demands from investors at four to six percent a year--which, Nooyi says, means the company needs to find an additional three and a half to four billion dollars of revenue. Every year.

"And we have to do it when the world is changing faster than ever--consumer taste, regulation, digital technology," Nooyi says, "and every competitor out there, global and local, is gunning for us."

Here is a conversation with her, edited and condensed.

(Click picture to watch video)Interview with Indra Nooyi

Interview with Indra Nooyi

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