New Focus on Potato webcast: White Mold of Potato, Epidemiology and Management

New Focus on Potato webcast: White Mold of Potato, Epidemiology and Management
June 01, 2011
"Focus on Potato"of the Plant Management Network has published a new webcast:

"White Mold of Potato: Epidemiology and Management"

by Dennis Johnson,
Professor and Extension Plant Pathologist
at Washington State University

In addition to an overview of White Mold, this presentation will help consultants, growers and other practitioners in the potato industry understand how white mold can be better managed by modifying the canopy environment and by timing control tactics based on the disease cycle.

The presentation also explains White Mold's cause and defines environmental and plant developmental factors that lead to White Mold's development.

Finally, this presentation includes representative color images of the disease to help viewers with diagnosis.

This webcast can be accessed without subscription until July 31, 2011.
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