More Hail Storms damage Idaho Potato Crop

July 07, 2009

Mother Nature doesn't seem to be cooperating with farmers in eastern Idaho. The June 21st hail storm that affected 25,258 acres of potatoes, and severely damaging 12,000 acres, wasn't the last storm the crops would see. Last week, Idaho Falls and Ammon received a severe storm, and on Saturday, the weather took its toll on crops yet again.

Jerry Wright: Potato Growers of Idaho: "Damage done in Arco. Damage on the south end of Fort Hall Reservation on the July 4th storm. I don't think there are any farmers that are farming right now that have experienced this kind of weather problem in their careers."

The Potato Growers of Idaho are now initiating a series of field digs to assess the damage starting the first of August.  They will also be holding a meeting Wednesday morning in Idaho Falls and all Idaho potato farmers are invited to attend. They will discuss the damage the erratic weather has caused, and move ahead with plans to help the farmers and their crops.

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