Protección de Cultivos

Paper made from banana waste prevents potato cyst nematode damage
Marzo 08, 2022

Paper made from banana waste prevents potato cyst nematode damage

With potato production in East Africa under increasing threat from the invasive and highly destructive potato cyst nematode (PCN) pest, an organic technology developed from banana plant waste material may well be the ultimate rescue.
Smart soil bugs offer farmers an ecofriendly route to controlling crop diseases
Enero 21, 2022

Smart soil bugs offer farmers an ecofriendly route to controlling crop diseases

An innovative method of controlling a range of damaging crop diseases using native, beneficial soil bacteria has emerged from a research-industry collaboration.
SENASA: ‘Zebra chip’, plaga de la papa, no está presente en el Perú.
Enero 12, 2022

SENASA: ‘Zebra chip’, plaga de la papa, no está presente en el Perú

El Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria (SENASA) descartó la presencia de la plaga ‘Zebra Chip’ en el Perú, luego de haber analizado 169 muestras de plantas e insectos procedentes de zonas productoras de papa, en la provincia de Huancabamba, región Piura.
Enero 05, 2022

Europlant presenta un programa de patatas con baja utilización de insumos

Europlant presenta variedades de patata con una alta cantidad de nutrientes. Las variedades especiales de alto rendimiento y alta calidad para una producción con pocos insumos protegen el medio ambiente y ahorran costes.
Renaissance BioScience Corp. receives additional R and D funding for its yeast-based RNA technology.
Diciembre 03, 2021

Additional funding for Renaissance BioScience Corp's yeast-based RNA technology

Renaissance BioScience Corp., a leading global bioengineering company, announced today that it is receiving advisory services and additional funding of up to CAD 200,000 from the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP).
Interpom finally brings the European potato chain together again.
Noviembre 16, 2021

Interpom brings the European potato chain together again. Finally!

Interpom 2021 is fast approaching – we are now on the home stretch! After a whole year of postponement, Interpom will finally be held on Sunday 28, Monday 29, and Tuesday 30 November 2021 in Kortrijk Xpo (B).
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Desarrollan una herramienta para el control del tizón tardío.
Noviembre 08, 2021

Desarrollan en Argentina una herramienta para el control del tizón tardío de la papa.

Se trata de un sistema de alarma que determina los momentos críticos para el desarrollo de la enfermedad más importante de la papa. Con base en datos meteorológicos, la herramienta es una alternativa para la protección más sostenible del cultivo.
ICA de Colombia advierte sobre presencia de enfermedad en cultivos de papa.
Octubre 18, 2021

ICA de Colombia advierte sobre presencia de enfermedad en cultivos de papa en el departamento de Nariño

El Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA) confirmó la presencia de fitoplasmas asociados a la enfermedad de Punta Morada de la Papa (PMP) en cultivos de papa en Nariño.
RevolutionaryRNA-based biopesticide technology delivers 98% mortality of Colorado potato beetle in independent test
Septiembre 30, 2021

Revolutionary RNA-based biopesticide technology delivers 98% mortality of Colorado potato beetle in independent test

Renaissance BioScience Corp., a leading global bioengineering company, is pleased to announce that an independent test of its environmentally safe, RNA-based biopesticide technology was conducted on Colorado potato beetle
PotatoEurope's Golden Innovation Award goes to EGG Microtubers.
Septiembre 02, 2021

EGG Microtubers receive PotatoEurope’s Golden Innovation Award

During a special award ceremony on Wednesday, September 1st, a professional jury awarded the PotatoEurope Gold Innovation Award to the Microtubers of E Green Global (EGG).
James Hutton Institute outlines plans for a 'Potato Innovation Hub' at Potatoes in Practice 2021
Agosto 24, 2021

James Hutton Institute outlines plans for a 'Potato Innovation Hub' at Potatoes in Practice 2021

Recent advances in breeding technologies can be harnessed to fast track the breeding of new varieties. Sensors and drone technologies are driving integrated pest management solutions.
GBP 2.2 Million new funding to safeguard Scotland's potato and bulb industries
Agosto 23, 2021

GBP 2.2 Million new funding to safeguard Scotland's potato industry from Potato Cyst Nematodes (PCN)

After the Plant Health Centre led a working Group to identify a clear strategy for dealing with the Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) crisis, a report was delivered to the Scottish Government.
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Los productores del Grupo de Transferencia Tecnológica GTT de Semilla de Papa de Los Muermos vuelven a reunirse en forma presencial
Agosto 20, 2021

Los productores del Grupo de Transferencia Tecnológica GTT de Semilla de Papa de Los Muermos vuelven a reunirse en forma presencial

Los productores del Grupo de Transferencia Tecnológica GTT de Semilla de Papa de Los Muermos volvieron a reunirse en forma presencial luego de meses realizando sólo actividades virtuales.
Ghent scientists develop vaccine against potato blight
Agosto 19, 2021

Ghent scientists develop vaccine against potato blight

Scientists at the university of Ghent have developed a vaccine to combat potato blight, one of the most common diseases in potatoes.
Rantizo: How to Optimize Fungicide Applications with Drones
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Rantizo: How to Optimize Fungicide Applications with Drones

With the rise of precision agriculture solutions, the farming industry has become increasingly tech savvy. Many growers and producers have embraced GPS-enabled tractors, variable-rate fertilizer applications, and smart platforms.
PotatoEurope Netherlands - outdoor exhibition September 1-2 2021 - cancelled
Julio 21, 2021

PotatoEurope Netherlands - outdoor exhibition September 1-2 2021 - cancelled

Due to the current developments in regard to the coronavirus pandemic in the Netherlands and the associated lack of official approval from Dutch authorities to hold the event, PotatoEurope 2021 has been cancelled.
CB-UdeC e Inia avanzan en solución a patología de la papa.
Julio 05, 2021

CB-UdeC e Inia avanzan en solución a patología de la papa

Sembrado mayormente por pequeños agricultores, es uno de los cultivos más relevantes en Chile y puede ser amenazado por una bacteria contra la que aún no hay nada efectivo para contrarrestar. Las pérdidas son de gran impacto social.
Research: Resilience and innovation in the agricultural sector in Europe
Junio 22, 2021

Research: Resilience and innovation in the agricultural sector in Europe

Wageningen University & Research has conducted research into the resilience of the agricultural sector. How do farmers keep in step with their environment? Examples include the changing weather conditions, climate change and government policy.


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