Precios de las Papas

Potato prices drop as early potatoes enter the European markets
Agosto 11, 2024

Potato prices drop as early potatoes enter the European markets

The first early potatoes have been lifted, causing downward price action in the European potato markets, according to Harry Campbell, market researcher at Expana.
Febrero 13, 2023

NEPG proporciona una actualización sobre la situación de la papa en Francia, Bélgica, los Países Bajos y Alemania: ¡se necesitan más papas!

Informe de los Productores de Patata del Noroeste de Europa (NEPG) sobre el mercado de la patata en la zona NEPG (Francia, Bélgica, los Países Bajos y Alemania).
New potato season about to begin with many uncertainties
Junio 30, 2022

NEPG: New potato season about to begin with many uncertainties

Mid-May, many potato growers in North-western Europe were hoping for an end of season with prices around EUR 30/100 kg, but rain brought a stop to that hope…
Belgapom quotation from 2021-2022 season only for potato variety Fontane
Septiembre 03, 2021

Belgapom quotation next season only for potato variety Fontane

As of the new storage potato season, the Belgapom price committee will only note the most frequently used price for the trade-in potatoes of the Fontane variety.
Septiembre 08, 2020

Rendimientos promedio de papa esperados en el noroeste de Europa

El NEPG (Productores de Papa de Europa Noroccidental) ha estimado que el total de los rendimientos de papa de consumo están en el nivel promedio de 5 años.
Marzo 24, 2020

Free market for potatoes in Belgium collapsed due to COVID-19

Due to COVID-19 the free market of potatoes has completely collapsed. The PCA/Fiwap and the Belgapom price quotation has been suspended because of a lack of transactions on the free market of potatoes.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Junio 11, 2019

Aumenta la superficie de cultivo de papa en el noroeste de Europa

Sobre la base de una estimación provisional de los NEPG (cultivadores de papas del noroeste de Europa), el área en los 5 países más grandes de papas aumentó a 609,000 ha de papas de consumo, lo que representa un aumento del 2.4%.
NEPG estimates potato harvest 2018
Noviembre 08, 2018

North-western European Potato Growers: harvest down 20 percent at least

The total potato harvest in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France in 2018 will be at least 20 percent lower than last year, according to the latest estimates of the North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG).
Continuing drought and extreme heat a disaster for the potato harvest and processors
Agosto 08, 2018

Continuing drought and extreme heat a disaster for the potato harvest and processors

The extreme heat and drought is a disaster for the upcoming potato harvest. And for processors too: in Belgium, potato chips manufacturer Roger&Roger (Croky) temporarily halts production of some its flavours to manage the lack of potato supply.
Despite current low prices, more potatoes planted in North-western Europe
Mayo 10, 2018

Despite current low prices, more potatoes planted in North-western Europe

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) estimate that the growers in the 5 leading potato growing countries will plant 0,4% more potatoes than last year.
Searching for the occasional market for excess potatoes
Abril 16, 2018

Searching for the occasional market for excess potatoes

Organisations representing potato farmers in Belgium and France, have started a project (interreg-GEPOS) to look for alternative destinations for potatoes in Belgium and the North of France in seasons marked by large surpluses.
Amount of stored potatoes in Europe high compared to previous years
Marzo 01, 2018

Amount of stored potatoes in Europe high compared to previous years

The North-Western European Potato Growers report on volume and condition of the potatoes still in storage
Contenido Patrocinado

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Potato Production North-western-Europe up 13.5 percent compared to last year
Septiembre 18, 2017

Potato Production North-western Europe up 13.5 percent compared to last year

For the current European potato harvest, the North-western-European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimate the total potato production at 27.9 million tons for the five NEPG countries (Belgium, Germany, France, The Netherlands and Great Britain). This is up 13.5 percent compared to last season.
Aardappelproduktie Noord-west Europa 13.5 procent hoger dan vorig jaar
Septiembre 17, 2017

Aardappelproduktie Noord-west Europa 13.5 procent hoger dan vorig jaar

Op basis van proefrooiingen en praktijkresultaten verwacht de NEPG een totale oogst van 27,9 miljoen ton aan consumptieaardappelen in Noord-west Europa. Dat is 13,5% hoger dan vorig jaar.
Updated estimates NEPG: EU North-Western potato area has increased
Julio 04, 2017

Updated estimate NEPG: EU North-Western potato area has increased

The total consumption potato area in North-Western Europe, has been estimated at 578.821 ha, which is 4.6% more than last year and 8.3% more than the 5 years average, according to the NEPG.
Potato company Bruwier: “Price for processing varieties will not fluctuate much till spring”
Diciembre 18, 2016

Potato company Bruwier: “Price for processing varieties will not fluctuate much till spring”

Jan van Luchene of Bruwier Potatoes, a Belgian company specialized in acquiring and delivering the potatoes you need offers his view of the current potato market in Belgium and Europe.
Due to the late potato harvest the NEPG delays publication yield estimates till late November
Octubre 30, 2016

Due to the late potato harvest the NEPG delays publication yield estimates till late November

As a result of the late potato harvest in the North-western European countries (BE, DE, FR, NL, UK), the potato growers organisation NEPG has decided to postpone publication of its annual yield estimates till the third week of November.
Door late aardappeloogst is de publicate van de NEPG oogstverwachting uitgesteld tot November
Octubre 27, 2016

Door late aardappeloogst is de publicate van de NEPG oogstverwachting uitgesteld tot November

Als gevolg van de late aardappeloogst in alle NEPG landen (BE, DE, FR, NL, UK) is besloten om de bekend making van de officiële NEPG oogstverwachting cijfers uit te stellen naar de derde week november.


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