Cultivo de Papas

Potato Next, The Dutch Potato Cooperation
Agosto 10, 2023

PotatoNext is the name of the new Agrico, Nedato and Leo de Kock cooperative focused on table potatoes

Agrico, Nedato and Leo de Kock announced the name of the new, independent cooperative of common consumption potatoes: PotatoNext. This joint cooperative marks an important milestone in the potato industry and will be the result of a close collaboration between the three renowned companies.
Royal Avebe awarded with a Gold medal for Sustainability efforts
Agosto 03, 2023

Starch manufacturer Royal Avebe awarded with a Gold medal for its Sustainability efforts

Dutch Potato Starch cooperative Royal Avebe has been awarded a gold medal by Ecovadis, a global collaborative platform that helps companies assess sustainability performance throughout the supply chain.
APH Group appointed Albertus Kloosterman as Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), and Bart van Doorn van Doorn as Chief Financial Officer.
Junio 28, 2023

New appointments at APH Group: Albertus Kloosterman as Chief Commercial Officer, Bart van Doorn as Chief Financial Officer

APH Group appointed Albertus Kloosterman as Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), and Bart van Doorn as Chief Financial Officer. To keep up with its growth the company is taking large steps and is looking forward to further shape the future of APH Group together with Albertus and Bart.
Potato display at Dutch supermarket chain Albert Heyn. The concept was developed in cooperation with both Nedato and Leo de Kock
Mayo 24, 2023

Ware potato growers Agrico, Leo de Kock and Nedato join forces in new independent cooperative

The ware potato activities of Agrico and Nedato, along with Leo de Kock, shall be hived off to form a new independent cooperative of ware potato growers. The new organization will start its activities this autumn. Further integration will then take place in stages.
Dutch Potato Farmers Find October 1 Deadline to Harvest the Crop Not Pragmatic
Mayo 16, 2023

Dutch Potato Farmers Find October 1 Harvest Deadline on Sandy Soils Problematic

The government of the Netherlands wants farmers growing potatoes on sandy soil to harvest potatoes by October 1 and grow intermediary plants that catch nitrogen in the soil so nitrates can not leach out and contaminate groundwater.
Royal HZPC Group maintains forecasts
Mayo 11, 2023

Potato breeder Royal HZPC Group maintains forecasts

Potato breeder HZPC expects turnover to grow 11% from last year (then EUR 352 million (USD 386 million)) with a gross margin of EUR 66,5 million (USD 73 million) (last financial year EUR 63.9 million (USD 70 million).
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Agrico expects to achieve a considerably higher price
Mayo 03, 2023

Agrico expects to achieve a considerably higher price for its potatoes

Potato cooperative Agrico announced to its members an average price indication of EUR 35.50 (USD 39.20) per 100 kg for all supplied kilos of 28 mm upwards for seed potatoes from the 2022 harvest.
Growers group works on future-proof seed potato cultivation
Abril 10, 2023

HZPC works with growers to future-proof seed potato cultivation

Growers learn best from other growers. This has been proven by the future-proof seed potato cultivation project, an initiative to examine upcoming changes in potato cultivation with a group of growers.
Sustainable and yet highly productive agriculture
Abril 03, 2023

Sustainable and yet highly productive agriculture

The Netherlands is committed to developing a sustainable and highly productive food system, with less use of fertilisers, water and pesticides, and more biodiversity and crop diversity.
NEPG: How will the potato market in North-western Europe develop?
Marzo 21, 2023

NEPG: How will the potato market in North-western Europe develop?

In Northwestern Europe (EU-04; NL, DE, BE, FR) the potato sector is facing a range of issues in the upcoming months. The million dollar question: How will the potato market respond? An analysis by the NEPG.
The team of FreshCrop Limited in Kenya
Febrero 05, 2023

Solynta and FreshCrop sign hybrid potato collaboration agreement in Kenya

Solynta – hybrid potato breeding technology company from The Netherlands and FreshCrop Limited, Kenya’s largest producer of seed tubers, have signed an agreement to collaborate on the development of hybrid true potato innovation in Kenya.
Higher yield with the Royal Avebe fertilization strategy.
Septiembre 20, 2022

Higher potato yield with the Royal Avebe fertilization strategy

Due to the current scarcity of fertilizers, the 'red areas' and the increasing production costs, efficient nitrogen fertilization is becoming increasingly important.
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Royal Avebe started potato campaign.
Agosto 25, 2022

Royal Avebe started potato campaign

Potato Starch manufacturer Royal Avebe has started the campaign at production location Gasselternijveen. Growing conditions were excellent until early July, but heat and lack of precipitation in recent weeks is cause for concern.
Despite unpredictable market, slight increase in seed potato final price for growers
Junio 30, 2022

Despite unpredictable market, HZPC realized a slight increase in seed potato price for its growers

The price paid to HZPC Holland’s seed potato growers for the 2021 harvest is EUR 33,70 (about USD 35) per 100 kilo. This is slightly above the forecast price of EUR 33,10 (about USD 34.7) published last spring.
NEPG: Will contract prices be high enough to cover growing potato demand in the future?
Febrero 03, 2022

NEPG: Will contract prices be high enough to cover growing potato demand in the future?

Potato growers are facing rising prices for all inputs in recent months, not just for from energy and fertilizers, but also for plant protection products, construction prices, agricultural machinery and spare parts...
Growers of potatoes for consumption in England and Wales may be able to import Dutch seed potatoes.
Enero 28, 2022

Growers in England and Wales may be able to import Dutch seed potatoes directly

At the request of the Dutch Potato Organisation (NAO), the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) has investigated the possibilities for exporting Dutch seed potatoes to the United Kingdom (UK).
APH Group acquires Agri 2.0 and continues growth in Russia and Ukraine
Enero 17, 2022

APH Group acquires Agri 2.0 and continues growth in Russia and Ukraine

APH Group, a distributor of farm equipment, has acquired Agri 2.0 CIS B.V. including its activities in Russia and Ukraine as of January 1, 2022.
La NEPG considera que los contratos de patata para 2022/23 deberían aumentar al menos entre 3 y 4 EUR/100 kg.
Diciembre 08, 2021

La NEPG considera que los contratos de patata para 2022/23 deberían aumentar al menos entre 3 y 4 EUR/100 kg

La NEPG ha dado por finalizada la campaña 2021 con una producción de 22,7 millones de toneladas, lo que representa una bajada del 3,4 porciento en relación con la previa, aunque se mantiene un 2,7 porciento por encima de la media de los últimos cinco años.


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