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 Potato Council
Septiembre 24, 2012

United Kingdom Seed potato industry sets new export record

The UK seed potato industry is on a high as Potato Council has announced another record year for seed exports, with this year’s figures surpassing 103,000 tonnes. “This year, despite the testing conditions experienced by growers, we have achieved ano...
 Seed Industry Event 2012
Septiembre 05, 2012

Britain's seed potato community to come together at Seed Industry Event in November

GB’s seed potato community will be coming together to keep up-to-date on plant health and variety breeding at this year’s Seed Industry Event at Crieff Hydro near Perth, Scotland on November 20.
 North West Potato Event
Septiembre 02, 2012

Top speakers to attend first North West Potato Day in Britain

Potato growers are invited to the first North West Potato Day to be held at Aston Grange, Aston, Runcorn, Cheshire on September 18 to discuss with the experts some of the challenges they have faced this year.
Agosto 28, 2012

Technical in-field workshops to be held at North of England Potato Day

Damage awareness is one of the key topics to be discussed at the North of England Potato Day to be held at Headley Hill Farm, Tadcaster, Yorkshire on September 4.
Jerry knox
Agosto 14, 2012

Jerry Knox to speak of lessons from the wettest drought at East of England Potato Day

Jerry Knox from Cranfield University will discuss the lessons learnt from the wettest drought in history at the East of England Potato Day
 Potato Week
Agosto 09, 2012

Potato Council calls on industry to highlight potato diversity in Potato Week

In the run up to Potato Week (1-7 October 2012), Potato Council is turning to growers and farm shops to help spread the message that there is more to potatoes than meets the eye. To coincide with the launch of its high profile consumer campaign that w...
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
 Potato Europe 2012
Agosto 02, 2012

Potato Council invites you to Potato Europe

Potato importers and growers looking to import high quality seed potatoes are warmly invited to visit the Potato Council pavilion at Potato Europe (Villers-Saint-Christophe, France, September 12-13). This is an ideal opportunity for potential importer...
Julio 03, 2012

Search is on for prestigious potato industry award winner in Britain

otato Council is seeking nominations for this year's British Potato Industry Award.
 World Potato Congress Edinburgh
Junio 28, 2012

World Potato Congress information available online

Everyone who attended the World Potato Congress last month agreed that WPC 2012 was a huge success. Now, speaker presentations and video's are available online. It's a great opportunity to have another look at the great presentations or take a look at...
 World Potato Congress 2012
Junio 25, 2012

The buzz around World Potato Congress

The biggest potato conference ever held in Britain, World Potato Congress 2012, took place in Edinburgh in May, attracting more than 800 delegates from over 50 countries to discuss the world’s third most important food crop.
World Potato Congress
Junio 24, 2012

War on waste in the potato supply chain

everal key actions to drive out waste from the potato supply chain, including improved agronomy, were outlined at the recent World Potato Congress in Edinburgh.
Junio 19, 2012

New UK 'Potato Ambassadors' line up for 2012

Potato Council has recruited an exciting new team of growers to act as ‘Potato Ambassadors’ and inspire the nation to eat more potatoes.
Contenido Patrocinado

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 Chip week 2012
Junio 07, 2012

Chip Week a highly successful UK campaign

The 21st annual Chip Week has been hailed a success! A review of the 2012 campaign, run by Potato Council, reveals the Week encouraged enough media interest to reach every adult in Great Britain more than 2.5 times, providing opportunities for increase...
Mayo 31, 2012

Demonstrations and discussions at the West Midlands Potato Day in the UK

This year’s packed agenda at the Midlands Potato Day will include practical in-the-field discussions on topics such as soil compaction, fertiliser application and the opportunity to see the George Moat Tillerstar on the land.
 World POtato Congress
Mayo 28, 2012

Potatoes, PROUD not HUMBLE

Potatoes have a massive role to play globally. As well as delicious to eat in all their many forms, they are nutritious and address many of our food security and sustainability challenges, declared Potato Council chairman Allan Stevenson in his opening...
 Grow your own potatoes
Mayo 09, 2012

'Grow your own potatoes' contributing to AHDB Education Strategy

Both the ‘Grow Your Own Potatoes’ and ‘Cook Your Own Potatoes’ projects from Potato Council are making an important contribution to the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) Education Strategy 2012-17.
Mayo 05, 2012

Partner deal opens American gateway for SAS

UK-based Spice Application Systems (SAS) has signed an exclusive trading partner deal with Canadian company ARBO Engineering. The move is expected to open up major new opportunities for SAS to increase sales of its specialist electrostatic systems wit...
 World potato congress
Abril 28, 2012

Speaker programme for World Potato Congress now complete

Practical solutions for efficient potato storage and maximising marketable yields will be some of the topics on the agenda at World Potato Congress 2012 (May 27-30, Edinburgh).


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