Patrocinador del mes(Learn more)
Junio 02, 2010
Cavendish Farms fighting rule requiring contract before potato planting
Mayo 12, 2010
Manitoba Potato Growers reach deal with McCain Foods
Mayo 09, 2010
Cavendish Farms Appeals PEI Arbitration and Mediation regulation for potatoes
Mayo 06, 2010
PEI Potato growers supplying McCain Foods get better price after arbitration
Marzo 15, 2010
Boletín electrónico de PotatoPro: Historia y futuro de las papas genéticamente modificadas
Marzo 15, 2010
Canadian Potato Growers gird for cutbacks
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Marzo 15, 2010
PotatoPro Newsletter: History and Future of GM Potatoes
Febrero 10, 2010
Government of Canada Supporting New Brunswick Potato Farmers
Febrero 02, 2010
Cutbacks in potato process contracts could push some growers out
Enero 26, 2010
PEI Potato Expo picks up major sponsors
Enero 21, 2010
Se publicó un nuevo número del boletín de PotatoPro
Enero 21, 2010
Seed potatoes Prince Edward Island plagued by virus
Noviembre 24, 2009
PEI Potato farmers hope aggressive marketing will benefit industry
Noviembre 21, 2009
Earl Smith receives PEI Potato Board Award
Agosto 10, 2009
World's potato experts meet in Fredericton at PAA annual meeting
Julio 28, 2009
Potato blight flourishing on Prince Edward Island
Mayo 08, 2009