Noticias sobre Otras Categorías de Alemania

Abril 27, 2010

German Food Companies Say No to Genetically Modified Potatoes

According to the results of a survey released this month by the German branch of the environmental organization Greenpeace, a number of snacks and fast food giants including Burger King, McDonald's, German seafood chain Nordsee and chipmaker Lorenz Sna...
 Fruit Logistica
Febrero 08, 2010

Fruit Logistica sees record participation

FRUIT LOGISTICA 2010 underscored its position as a leading global trade fair for the fresh produce sector with a comprehensive overview of the market, the presence of all key decision makers in the industry, and a record number of exhibitors and visitors.
Mayo 11, 2009

Plásticos biodegradables a partir de papas

Un estudio realizado por la Universidad de Rostock está desarrollando plantas de patata modificadas genéticamente (MG) que puedan ser usadas para la obtención de bioplásticos. De esta forma, las plantas podrían actuar como materias primas renovables, p...
Marzo 17, 2009

Flexible case packer aimed at snack manufacturers

A case packer has been designed to pack sensitive products and can incorporate a range of case formats including hood, tray and wraparound, claims the manufacturer. Global packaging equipment supplier, Focke & Co, unveiled its new packaging technolo...
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