Investigación y Desarrollo

 Northern Plains Potato Growers Associatiion
Junio 19, 2011

Big increase in potato acreage in the United States

United Potato Growers of America sponsored a conference last week in Bloomington, MN to discuss the transition from the summer to fall crop.  The meeting was open to all growers and shippers including non-United members.
Junio 18, 2011

Australian imports of vegetables from China tripled in the past 10 years.

In response to data that Australian imports of vegetables have tripled between 2000 and 2010 AUSVEG spokesperson Andrew White today warned this increase poses a threat to the Australian vegetable industry and the community.
 Ian Crute
Junio 16, 2011

Potato Yields need to improve

Potato yields need to make a stepped increase to cope with global demand, declared Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) chief scientist
 Idaho Potatoes love at first bite
Junio 16, 2011

Potandon Produce Announces Winners Potato Lover's Month Display Contest

Potandon Produce has announced the winner of its Idaho Potato Lovers Month Display Contest
 Marie Callender's
Junio 16, 2011

ConAgra Foods Acquires Brand Trademarks for Marie Callender's

ConAgra Foods, Inc., (NYSE: CAG) one of North America's leading food makers, today announced the purchase, effective June 9, 2011, of the Marie Callender's® brand trademarks from Marie Callender Pie Shops, Inc.
Potato - Goodness unearthed
Junio 16, 2011

Idaho potato growers oppose use of 'Potatoes -- Goodness Unearthed' at retail level

Idaho Potato Commission board members unanimously voted June 15 to oppose the U.S. Potato Board's use of a national retail trademark at the retail level.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
 Interprovinciaal Proefcentrum voor de aardappelteelt
Junio 15, 2011

Minder stengels bij aardappelen

Uit rassenproeven s gebleken dat de rassen dit jaar, als gevolg van de droogte, gemiddeld 0,4 à 1 stengel per struik minder ontwikkeld hebben in vergelijking met vorig jaar.
Junio 15, 2011

Dehydrated Potato Flakes included as approved “Food for Education Program” Allocations

On May 17, US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) will award more than $346 million in international assistance grants
 IFT 2011
Junio 15, 2011

White House, USDA and IFT Address MyPlate Initiative at Annual Meeting and Food Expo

Officials and Scientists discussed the new public rollout of the MyPlate initiative during a Monday press conference at the IFT 2011 Annual Meeting and Food Expo.
 IFT 2011
Junio 13, 2011

IFT Announces 2011 Innovation Award Winners

Incoming IFT President Roger Clemens and President-Elect John Ruff presented four companies with the 2011 IFT Food Expo Innovation Awards.
 Convenience vegetables potatoes
Junio 13, 2011

"De groei van PinguinLutosa is nog niet voorbij"

Wanneer op 1 juli de overnames van Scana Noliko en d’Aucy worden afgerond, groeit PinguinLutosa uit tot een wereldspeler. De groep wordt dan zo groot dat het nood heeft aan een nieuwe naam. “Alle suggesties zijn nog welkom”, grapt topman Herwig Dejong...
Junio 12, 2011

Wet weather delays potato planting in Eastern Canada

This story is no longer available
Contenido Patrocinado

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Junio 12, 2011

Potatoes Make the Plate! New MyPlate Icon Recommends Half the Plate as Fruits and Vegetables

The recent unveiling of the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) MyPlate icon heralded a bold, new visual reminder of the importance of fruit and vegetable consumption, filling half the plate with these two important food groups.
Junio 10, 2011

Breeders Trust en Belgische aardappeltelers komen tot overeenstemming

Geert Staring, algemeen directeur van kwekersorganisatie Breeders Trust, laat weten dat ze een overeenkomst gesloten hebben omtrent betaling van kwekersrechten met 3 Belgische Boerenbonden
 Washington State University
Junio 09, 2011

Pacific Northwest program works to create disease resistant potato varieties

Junio 08, 2011

Potato Research Centre hopes to breed resistant potatoes

Scientists at the Potato Research Centre hope to crossbreed foreign and domestic potatoes to create a new spud that's resilient to disease and requires fewer pesticides.
Junio 08, 2011

Ballarat Potato growers already struck new McCain price deal

Ballarat district potato growers have struck a new price deal with McCain Foods, months ahead of schedule. The growers will be paid an increase of $15 a tonne of potatoes for next year's crop.
 Frank van Schaayk at PotatoExpo 2011
Junio 08, 2011

Aginfo interview with Frank van Schaayk: Building a Strong Front

French fries and potatoes are not evil but they have been demonized. What will it take to get the buying consumer to realize that a potato is a very simple, healthy and wholesome food and not the primary culprit in rampant obesity?


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